Hatfield Lab Services - Core Lab, Transfusion Service, Specimen Processing
The Hatfield Lab is a highly automated, high volume laboratory providing STAT and routine testing including Chemistry, Hematology, Urinalysis, Coagulation, Transfusion Services, limited Microbiology, and specimen accessioning, processing, and send-outs. The lab is staffed 24 hours a day and is reached by calling Client Services at 503-494-7383.
Important laboratory testing information
The Hatfield Lab is a highly automated, high volume laboratory providing STAT and routine testing including Chemistry, Hematology, Urinalysis, Coagulation, Transfusion Services, limited Microbiology, and specimen accessioning, processing, and send-outs. The lab is staffed 24 hours a day and is reached by calling Client Services at 503-494-7383.
Tests available as extreme emergency with in-lab turnaround time (TAT of 10-15 minutes)
- Blood gases
- Ionized calcium
- Whole blood glucose
- Whole blood NA,K
- Whole blood hemoglobin
- Prothrombin time, PT (INR)
Ordering department should call laboratory as well as enter orders into EPIC for all EE orders.
Urgent tests, 24 hrs/7 days, with in-lab TAT of 60 minutes
All other hematology, coagulation, chemistry tests and urine dipstick.
Urgent tests, 24 hrs/7 days, with in-lab TAT of 60 minutes, with verbal notification
All urine chemistries - See individual tests for specimen requirements.
Transfusion Service
The Transfusion Service provides blood, components, products and services. The Transfusion Service Medical Director serves as the liaison between the Transfusion Service and the hospital medical staff and is responsible for ensuring the safety, quality, purity, potency and effectiveness of all transfused products. Transfusion Medicine faculty are available for consultation on a 24 hour basis with assistance from members of the Pathology Residency Program
Transfusion Service Laboratory
Phone 503-494-8537
FAX 503-494-4144
Medical Director: Mick Scanlan, M.D.
Phone 503-494-9082
Pager: 15231
Manager, Phone 503-494-9491
Specimen processing information
The Hatfield Lab is the primary receiving and billing area for clinical labs. In addition, many research studies are received, ordered and processed through this site. Lab specimen processing functions ensure that the specimen integrity is maintained by: checking to be sure the order is correct, the specimen is in the proper container, and the label is visible. The testing is then ordered, information on source is entered into the record, and all forms documented and signatures checked as necessary. A new automated processing line allows some samples to be loaded directly into testing equipment. Other samples are prepared by staff for transport to the testing labs on site, other campus locations, or for shipping to many reference labs across the United States.
Client Services staff answers the lab information line, handles questions from providers, assists with obtaining results and helps problem solve issues dealing with specimen processing and billing and resulting.
Clinical Research Testing
OHSU Lab Services is here to support your clinical research. Most of our laboratory tests can be performed as part of clinical research studies at a discounted price. Please visit the Clinical Research Services Office website for more details.