Parasite, Blood (Malaria and Non-Malaria)

Orderable EAP code:


Billable EAP Codes:

80001891 x 1
80001945 x 1

CPT Codes:

87207 x 1
87015 x 1

Lab Section:

Core Lab


Thin smear, thick smear, parasitemia %

Turnaround Time:

Routine: 4 Hours
Urgent: 2 Hours

Test Schedule:

24 hours, 7 days a week.

Critical Values:

Blood parasites seen

Specimen Requirements:

3 mL fresh blood in a LAVENDER top tube.

Pediatric Specimen Requirements:

0.5 mL fresh blood in a pediatric LAVENDER top microtainer.

Reference Range:

No parasites seen.


Preliminary identification will be made 24 hours per day. Final identification will be performed by a pathologist during business hours. Final parasite identification may require 1 to 5 business days.

Travel history is helpful for identification.

Specimen should arrive in the lab within one hour of the collection. If transport to the lab will be delayed, prepare three (3) thin blood smears (unstained, unfixed), and three (3) thick smears (unstained, unfixed) in addition to sending the whole blood tube. Thin smears are prepared in the same manner as for hematology differentials. Thick smears are made by spreading a 10 to 20 microliter drop of blood on a glass slide in a dime-sized area using a glass, plastic, or wooden applicator.

Instructions for thick and thin smears can be found here (Opens in a new window).


BPA, Malaria, Thick Smear, Thin Smear