Technology in the Library

All current OHSU faculty, staff, and students can access the Library’s licensed electronic resources remotely with their OHSU network credentials. 

If you are not currently affiliated with OHSU (including alumni), you do not have remote access privileges.  Please see Resources for Oregon-Licensed Health Providers or Non-OHSU Community Users

OHSU Library uses EzProxy to make off-campus access simple.  EzProxy knows that you’re an OHSU member, and thus knows to give you access, in two ways:

  • You start your research from the OHSU Library website, or
  • You use a “Find @ OHSU” link from a database like PubMed.

You will not be able to access articles directly from a publisher’s website or from an article database.  You must use one of the two options above to ensure those sites know you are a valid OHSU user.

If you have questions regarding off-campus access to Library resources or any other issues, please contact us.   



OHSU Users

The Library provides fee-based printing to OHSU members through the GoPrint application.  GoPrint printers and print-release stations are located at the BICC on the 3rd and 4th floors on Marquam Hill, and in the Graduate Learning Resource Center at the RLSB on the South Waterfront.

Beginning Fall 2024, all GoPrint users will automatically receive 100 "prints" (pages)--black and white or color--per quarter at no charge.  These will show up as $10 (100 x $0.10) in your default GoPrint account.  

Once you've used up your free prints, you will need to have money on your GoPrint account to be able to print. GoPrint requires a $5.00 minimum for credit cards. Please go to the Library's Service Desk to pay in cash.  

Cost:  Printing is $0.10 per page.

How to print from an OHSU computer

  • From an OHSU computer, select the “Print” option and choose which printer you would like to print to (B&W or color).  Click “Print.”
  • Go to the print release station and enter your OHSU network credentials. This will bring up a list of all the items you have printed.
  • Select the jobs you wish to print, and follow the prompts on the screen.
  • You can also delete print jobs from the print release station.

How to print from your own computer or smartphone:

Non-OHSU Users

  • Black and White Printing is available at a cost of $0.10 per page in the Library in the BICC building, 3rd floor. We do not offer color printing to non-OHSU users.  Please see staff at the Service Desk for more information.


The Library provides a fee-based, black and white copier on the 3rd floor of the OHSU Library in BICC.  Non-OHSU members will be charged $0.10 per copy. 

OHSU staff may request an account from the Copy Center to get a reduced rate for copies. The Copy Center can also help you with color copies and larger copying projects.

Please see Library staff at the Service Desk for help with copying.

OHSU Users

OHSU students using personally owned devices can connect to the OHSU-Student network. 

OHSU faculty and staff using personally owned devices can connect to the Eduroam network. 

OHSU faculty and staff using an OHSU-owned device will be automatically connected to the OHSU-Secure network.  Please visit the Wireless Networks page on O2 for more information.

Non-OHSU Users

Non-OHSU members can connect to the OHSU-Guest public wireless service at no charge.  This public wireless network is outside of OHSU's internal network and is not protected by its firewall. 

Note: You will need to accept OHSU’s terms and conditions in a web browser to successfully connect to the network.  For more information and instructions for how to connect, see the Wireless Access page on OHSU’s website.

How to connect

  1. Configure your wireless device. The Network Name (SSID) of the public wireless is OHSU-Guest (case sensitive).
  2. Open a Web browser. You'll see the OHSU public wireless disclaimer Web page.
  3. Click the Connect button in the middle of the page.

Note: Computers and operating systems may differ and some steps may not exactly represent all configurations.

OHSU also has a private wireless network.  Please visit: for more information.


All OHSU workstations have a desktop shortcut to the Ease of Access Center, which provides several accessibility tools. Contact us to learn of additional resources available to support your needs.

OHSU Users

The OHSU Library provides Windows workstations for use by OHSU faculty, staff, and students.  These workstations require you to log in using your OHSU network credentials. If you need help with your network account, contact ITG at 503-494-2222.

Computer workstations are located on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor of the Library in the BICC on Marquam Hill and in the Graduate Learning Resource Center at the RLSB on the South Waterfront. 

Two workstations on the BICC 4th floor have special software and can be reserved for up to six hours at a time.  One has the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, and the other has the Atlas.ti and NVivo qualitative data analysis software.  You may reserve one of those workstations from this page.

Non-OHSU Users

The Library provides Windows workstations for research use by the general public. These computers do not require a login and they provide access to the internet and nearly all of OHSU Library’s electronic journals and databases.

All Library computer users must comply with the Library’s Guest Computer Usage Policy and OHSU’s  Acceptable Use of Computing and Telecommunications Resources policy.

Please note:  As these are shared workstations, we DO NOT recommend storing your files on the computer, even temporarily. Please make sure that you store your documents on your network drives (H: or X: Drive) or use your OHSU OneDrive account.

Access your OHSU OneDrive here:

For OHSU members, OHSU Library will scan journal articles and book chapters from our print collection at no charge. You may request articles through our library catalog or through our Get It For Me interlibrary loan service. If you need help with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) scanning, please contact us.

If you have an account with the OHSU Copy Center, you can scan documents on the Library’s copy machine, located on the 3rd floor of the BICC.

You can use your smartphone to scan documents. Please see our FAQ about document scanning for more information.

If you are not an OHSU member and can’t use your smartphone for document scanning, please contact your local public library or a business services company (such as FedEx or UPS stores) for help with your scanning needs.