Visit OHSU

Parking Garage C

Parking for Emergency, OHSU Hospital patients, and employees (permit required). ADA parking onsite.

Levels P1 and P2 have a physical address of 3223 SW Sam Jackson Park Road.

Level P3 (directly adjacent) has a physical address of 3219 SW Sam Jackson Park Road.

Description by garage parking level:

  • P1: Patient parking
  • P2: Online permits
  • P3: Online permits
  • P4: Pay station parking with a 3 hour maximum is also available on this level. 

Self parking: 24/7


Patient valet:

Located across the street at Emergency Department. 
ED information.

Patient valet hours: 

  • Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.
  • Weekends: 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.
  • After 10 p.m.: Keys are available after hours at the Emergency Department window.


Daily and hourly parking for people arriving for work and school. Permits required, 8am to 5pm, weekdays.

Permit information

Vehicles and people with a work or education affiliation with OHSU (employees, students, contractors, vendors, volunteers, interpreters, applicants, etc.) must receive coverage to park for personal appointments. 

Patient parking coverage for employees and students.

Closest buildings:


More parking options

Alternative options to driving

Garage C


3223 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, Oregon 97239

Marquam Hill maps

Plan a trip to an appointment.

Plan a trip for work or school.

Permits at this facility:

Public (non-patient)

  • Hourly pay station 
  • 3 hour max

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