Student Parking

Campus parking has been limited by City of Portland to cap traffic congestion on access streets near OHSU.
OHSU is pay to park weekdays, 8am to 5pm and restricted in some areas 24/7. Parking at OHSU's Marquam Hill and South Waterfront campuses is very limited. Alternatives such as transit, biking, and carpooling are highly encouraged.
Parking is free at over sixty park and rides in the region; Many with direct transit connections to OHSU. Find a park and ride on your route here.
Students parking for personal appointments
If you're an OHSU student visiting as a patient or as a patient's personal visitor, you'll just need to take a moment to set up parking coverage for a patient appointment. For all other reasons, including arriving for work or education, parking is not allowed in patient areas.
Daily parking
Daily and hourly parking passes can be purchased online or at onsite pay stations.
Long term parking
Students with a compelling and/or emergent need to obtain a parking permit may request a parking permit based on program approval, space availability, and other criteria as set forth by Campus Access and Commute Services.
Forms for this Student Parking Request program must be authorized by the approving authority for each respective school/program. Students must have an OHSU network ID to request parking. Request approval here.
Non-driving perks
Students are eligible for rewards such as cash for walking, biking, scooters, and transit; subsidized transit passes; Guaranteed Ride Home; dynamic carpools; and more.