Parking Lot at Neveh Shalom
This facility is an off site parking lot for people commuting to OHSU’s central campuses for work or education.
This parking facility is recommended for people who travel to Marquam Hill from the west during regular peak commute hours. Commuters use this option to save money on parking and avoid central city traffic.
See transit and bike information on this page for options to connect to campus.
View a map of the parking area and adjacent transit stops.
Hours available for OHSU parking
- Weekdays, 5am to 7pm except days noted below.

Expand the parking and transit map.
Cash incentives and resources:
Suggested bike routes from Neveh Shalom to Marquam Hill or to South Waterfront.
Transit pass and resources:
Neveh Shalom is located about 3 miles from Marquam Hill and 2 blocks north of TriMet Stop 367 (cross to the south side of the street).
The facility is serviced by the following bus lines:
Line 56 departures