Schnitzer Parking Lot
Schnitzer Parking Lot provides parking for people arriving for work and school. Permit required 8am to 5pm, weekdays, purchased onsite at pay stations or online for a discount. ADA and motorcycle parking is available in designated parking areas.
Closest buildings:
RV parking for patients located onsite by reservation.
Patients of Knight Cancer Research Building and OHSU School of Dentistry/Robertson Life Sciences Building may park free with validation onsite in the building garages. Validate parking at clinic. The entrances to both garages are located one block south on S Meade St.
Closest patient parking locations:
- Knight Cancer Research Building Garage
- Robertson Life Sciences Building Garage
- 3030 Moody Parking Lot
For work and education, explore more parking options and alternative options to driving.

2600 S Moody Ave