Knight Cancer Research Building Garage
Garage located within Knight Cancer Research Building. ADA parking is located in the garage. Parking requires a permit or ticket validation.
Find more patient parking information and locations here.
Indoor bike parking and shower facilities are available to people with an OHSU badge and an active permit. Bike facility information.
To park in the garage:
For anyone who is not arriving for personal healthcare, a permit is required 8am to 5pm, weekdays.
Gates always open automatically, 24/7, when a vehicle approaches to leave. Non-patients pay to park 24/7 in this facility. Purchase onsite or review more options here.
South entrance via Meade St to P1 is gated, pay-by-the-hour parking.
North entrance via Schnitzer Lot to P2 requires a MyCommute permit.
See this entrance in Google Maps.
Employees on payroll can purchase this permit at
More hourly, daily and oversize parking is located in Schnitzer Lot one block north. Schnitzer Lot information.
Explore offsite free parking facilities.
Height Restriction:
7' clearance
8'2" ADA parking clearance

2720 S. Moody Avenue
Portland, 97239
United States