Safety as the Entry Doorway for Health and Well-Being

Thursday, March 20, 2025
7:30 to 9 a.m. PDT
Bellevue Hilton
300 112th Ave, SE
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Safety as the Entry Doorway for Health and Well-Being

This presentation will highlight how to elevate safety culture to address emerging workers' health and well-being challenges that are impacting business outcomes, as well as work retention and recruitment in the Construction industry. Drawing from practical examples and interactive discussions, presenters will describe how you can bring the Total Worker Health® approach to your organization. This comprehensive approach calls attention to how safety is the entry doorway for tackling many health and well-being issues at the jobsite level, including mental health, respect and civility in the workplace.  

Bio of Presenters:  

Katia Costa-Black, PhD, PT: Katia is the Senior Manager for Education and Partnerships at the Institute of Occupational Health Sciences, at the Oregon Health & Science University. She also co-leads the Outreach activities of the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center, a NIOSH Total Worker Health center of excellence. She holds a B.Sc, in Physical Therapy, a M.Sc. in Ergonomics and Biomechanics, as well as a PhD Industrial Engineering with an Ergonomics focus. Her research and practice experience include the design of system-level preventive strategies, including program evaluation and risk management for several organizations in the US and abroad. 

Justin Molocznik, MS, CSP, CHST: Justin is the Director of Safety, Health, and Environment at JTM Construction. He holds an M.S. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Kansas State University including graduate work in Occupational Health Psychology. Justin recently served as the President of the Board representing Construction with the Washington State Governors Conference. Additionally, he serves as the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Region I Vice-President and is currently the author of “Good to Know” featured in ASSP's Professional Safety Journal.