Cortisol (ACTH Stimulation) Test
Orderable EAP code:
Billable EAP Codes:
80002089 x 3
CPT Codes:
82533 x 3
Lab Section:
Core Lab
Turnaround Time:
Routine: 2 Hours
Urgent: 1 Hour
Test Schedule:
24 hours, 7 days a week.
Specimen Requirements:
4 mL blood in a RED top tube for each timepoint: 0, 30 and 60 min.
Pediatric Specimen Requirements:
1.0 mL blood in a RED top tube for each timepoint: 0, 30 and 60 min.
Reference Range:
A.M. Draw (7 to 9 am) = 5.3 to 22.5 micrograms/dL
P.M. Draw (3 to 5 pm) = 3.4 to 16.8 micrograms/dL
30 and 60 minutes = normal response at 30 or 60 minutes is peak. 20 micrograms/dL
Ordering LAB01025 "ACTH STIMULATION TEST (0, 30, 60), SERUM" will create three collection labels, one for each timepoint.