PGP 9.5

CPT Codes:


Lab Section:


Turnaround Time:

Results are generally available in 7 business days.

Test Schedule:

Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.


Skin biopsies are performed to assay small fiber neuropathy.

Related Links:

Specimen Requirements:

Procedure for Punch Skin Biopsy

A standard biopsy includes a total of two 3 mm punch biopsies - one performed on the upper lateral thigh, and the other performed on the lateral distal leg about 10 cm above the lateral malleolus. Note that skin biopsies will be performed on the same side as the burning or pain.

  1. Clean skin with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
  2. 1% lidocaine with epinephrine is infiltrated under the skin to raise a small bleb.
  3. Using a 3 mm Accupunch, gently pull a skin plug up and away from the underlying subcutaneous fatty tissue.
  4. Each specimen is then put into a fresh working PLP fixative, being careful not to grasp the dermis side of the specimen.
  5. Specimen is then transported to the histochemistry lab in Dillehunt Hall room 5049 (note: this must be done the same day as the procedure).
