Resources to support physician-scientists at OHSU

Three hands pointing at brain imaging data on a laptop screen. One hand is holding a stethoscope.

We're here to help

Physician-scientists have the critical combination of research training and clinical experience, which positions them to bridge the gap between patient care and novel investigations. Clinical and Translational Science Award hubs, like OCTRI, are mandated by the NIH to support the development and success of physician-scientists, who are integral to the clinical and translational research process.

To assist in the development of physician-scientists, we have compiled resources from across OHSU and organized them by career stage on this webpage. If you have any questions that aren't answered here, feel free to reach out to the contacts on each program's web page or to OCTRI Director, Cynthia Morris, PhD or OCTRI KL2 Director, Terri Hough, MD.

Education opportunities for all career stages

OHSU provides education opportunities in clinical and translational research that are available for physician-scientists at all stages in their career.

Icon of a trophy with an orange award ribbon

HIP is an integrated education curriculum that provides a foundation for successful, comprehensively trained researchers based upon the competencies of clinical and translational research. You can earn a certificate in human investigations, a master's degree of clinical research, or take individual courses. Learn more.

Man with orange shirt and a laptop next to him icon

The OCTRI Research Forum is a seminar series that covers issues and solutions to common obstacles in conducting clinical and translational research. Learn about upcoming seminars.

Pathways for medical students at OHSU

OHSU offers two dual-degree programs to train physician-scientists that you apply for before matriculation: the OHSU MD/PhD Program and the OHSU-PSU MD/MPH Program. There is also an option for research training once you arrive: the Physician-Scientist Experience. Learn more below.

Icon of a petri dish and an assay tube

OHSU MD/PhD Program

Supported by an Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) award from the NIH, this program leads to a combined MD and PhD degree where students pursue graduate level research training in a variety of fields, in addition to a full 4-year medical cirriculum. Learn more.

Graphic icon of a group of 4 people.


In addition to four years of study in our MD Program, students will complete an MPH in Epidemiology, to include an additional one year of field experience. Learn more.

Graphic icon of a teacher in front of a white board addressing students.

Physician-Scientist Experience

This program offers OHSU medical students an enhanced research experience under the mentorship of a physician-scientist. It includes participation in the physician-scientist seminar and journal club and provides an opportunity to obtain a Master of Clinical Research degree. Learn more.

Opportunities for post-doc and resident physician-scientists

OHSU has training grants that support medical and graduate student or post-doctoral level physician-scientists. Some are designated to a specific field of research and others are non-specific. Several OHSU departments also offer programs specific to residents who want to pursue a research career. Review options below.

Icon of pills being given to a person which outputs data.

OCTRI TL1 Program

The OCTRI TL1 Program supports training and career development in clinical and translational research for professional and Ph.D. graduate students and postdoctoral clinical and research fellows through a TL1 grant to OCTRI and is similar to an NIH NRSA T32 grant. Learn more on the OCTRI TL1 Program web page.

Icon of a data server surrounded by a cloud, a gear, a file folder, and a paper.

Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Training Grant

The Biomedical Informatics and Data Science T15 Training Grant supports research training in biomedical informatics and data science for trainees in the OHSU Biomedical Informatics Graduate Program. Reach out to Program Director, Dr. Bill Hersh, for more information:

Icon of a person facing forward looking through an eye testing device.

Casey Eye T32 Vision Research Program

The Casey Eye T32 Vision Research Program prepares trainees in the fundamentals of scientific vision research and for becoming an independent vision researcher. Learn more on the program web page. 

Icon of a hospital cross symbol surrounded by pills, plants, a mortar and pestal, and an eye.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Training in Neuroscience and Stress

The Complementary and Alternative (CAM) Research Training in Neuroscience and Stress program provides funding for post-doctoral fellows with an interest in complementary/integrative medicine and either neurology or stress. Research may encompass mind-body or natural product interventions. Learn more on the CAM program web page.

Icon of two cancer cells.

Integrated Training in Quantitative and Experimental Cancer Systems Biology

The Integrated Training in Quantitative and Experimental Cancer Systems Biology T32 Research Training Program provides foundational basic and translational training to enable understanding and management of the behavior of cancer ecosystems, from both experimental and computational perspectives. This program is available to pre- and post-doctoral trainees. Learn more on the program web page. 

Icon of a brain as viewed from the top down.

Neuroscience of Aging Training Program

The program Neuroscience of Aging Training Program aims to create scientists with a broad, “bench to bedside” understanding of the neuroscience of aging, including not only age-related neuropathologies but also the clinical manifestations and basic neuroscience of so-called “normal aging.” Learn more on the program web page.

Icon of two lungs with their vasculature marked.

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Training Program

The Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (PACCM) T32 Research Training Program offers state of the art, multidisciplinary research training for trainees conducting research related to pulmonary medicine. The program includes one to two years of stipend and tuition support with funding from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Learn more on the program web page.

Logo for American Board of Internal Medicine.

Department of Medicine Physician Scientist Training Program

Supports internal medicine residents through the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Research Pathway, which is an integrated program that combines training in research with training in clinical internal medicine and its subspecialties. Learn more.

Outline of that state of Oregon.

Oregon Scholars Program

Innovative 48-month curriculum allowing scholars to complete the core anesthesiology residency while also receiving advanced training in critical care medicine or research. Learn more.

Career development support for physician-scientists

OHSU offers several career development awards and programs for those who have recently finished medical school or are early career faculty. Career development awards provide salary support and protected time for research.

Icon of a person facing forward looking through an eye testing device.

Casey Eye Mentored Vision Clinician Scientist Program

Provides research support to vision researchers at the Casey Eye Institute who are also clinicians seeing patients. Learn more. 

Icon of pills being given to a person which outputs data.

OCTRI KL2 Program

Designed to support early-career faculty in their transition to research independence and includes funding, training, and mentorship. Learn more.

Silhouettes of two people with shoulder length hair. One has a collar on their shirt, one does not.

Oregon BIRCWH Program

Provides mentored research career development of junior faculty who will be engaged in interdisciplinary basic, behavioral, clinical, or health services research in women's health. Learn more.

Icon of a bar graph surrounded by a circle with gears orbiting the graph.

PACT-K12 Program

Supports protected research time, dedicated funds, and experiential work with health systems to train the future workforce in learning health system science. Learn more.

Icon of a human uterus and ovaries.

Women's Reproductive Health Research K12 Program

Prepares obstetrician-gynecologists to become physician-scientists and develop independent research careers. Contact Aaron Caughey, MD, PhD for more information:

Logo for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. American eagle with wings open in from of an American flag both in front of a light bue circle and encapsulated by a dark blue circle.

VA Portland Career Development Program

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA Portland) offers three career development awards for clinicians and non-cliniciansOCTRI supports CDA recipients from the VA who are fully integrated with the OCTRI Scholars Program. Learn more.

Logo for the National Institutes of Health. White letters on a grey background with a blue arrow pointing to the right.

NIH Research Career Development Awards (RCDA)

Learn more about the different types of K awards available through the NIH. Visit the RCDA web page.

Icon of two hands cupped together holding up a person.

OCTRI Scholars Program

OCTRI Scholars is a support program available to all recipients of career development awards at OHSU and the VA . It provides access to mentorship, guidance, and research support (excluding funding). Learn more.

Icon of three people - one with a question bubble, one with a gear, and one with a thought bubble.

OCTRI Design Studio

Maximize the success of OHSU’s early-career investigators by providing expert feedback on career development grant proposals as you are developing them. Learn more.

Icon of an airplane taking off.

Wheels Up Program

Supports early career physician-scientists in the Department of Medicine in their transition from clinical training to independence, including protected time for research, salary support, and mentorship. Learn more.

Additional support and resources

If you are aware of a resource for physician scientists that is not included on this webpage, please reach out to Trish Pruis: