Higher Education Programs


BUILD EXITO is a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded initiative with the overarching goal of enhancing undergraduate training in biomedical research through increased diversity of students, increased integration of research and teaching, and enhanced integration of seamless pathways from community colleges and Pacific Rim Universities participating in the EXITO collaborative.

The program provides numerous benefits and supportive factors for undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in research.  EXITO is for any undergraduate student who has at least three years remaining until completing their degree in a biomedical or social science related field. 

Contact exito@pdx.edu for more information.

Biomedical and Bioinformatics Research Internship and Training Experience (B-BRITE)

The goal of the program is to encourage scientific curiosity in the next generation of scientists, challenging qualified upper-level undergraduates to consider basic science research-related careers and providing them with initial experiences required to be competitive for science-related continuing education and careers in the future. See the B-BRITE Summer Internship Program for more information.

Contact cancerbiointern@ohsu.edu for more information.

Chemical Physiology and Biochemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program (CPB-SURP)

The Chemical Physiology and Biochemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program (CPB-SURP) is a 9-week summer internship designed to provide undergraduate students with hands-on training in innovative biomedical research in the disciplines of chemical biology, biochemistry, structural biology and physiology, conducted at a leading academic health center in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

A major goal of this program is to engage students in state-of-the-art techniques in biomedical discovery, leading to uncovering the fundamental mechanisms of health and disease. Interns will also participate in career development activities, which will provide students with the skills and knowledge to assess and plan their future careers in science.

Participants in the CPB-SURP will work with PhD students, postdocs, faculty and research staff, building life-long relationships and skills for a successful career in biomedical research. Visit the CPB-SURP website for program details, contact information and to apply.


The Department of Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology (DMICE) will be hosting its College Undergraduate Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Internship Program again in the summer of 2025.  These internships provide full-time, paid experiences in biomedical informatics and data science to college undergraduates to increase their knowledge and skills in these areas.  The program’s goals are to provide exposure to biomedical informatics and data science with respect to best practices, impact of research on medicine and health, as well as possible graduate study and career paths.   

In addition to participation in a faculty-led research project, the experience will include: 

  • Knowledge of the motivations, activities, and challenges for biomedical informatics and data science 
  • Skills development in data science through the use of standard data sets and tools 
  • Training in responsible conduct of research 
  • Student-led and faculty-facilitated health data ethics and equity seminar 
  • Attendance and participation in the department’s weekly research conference 

The overarching goal of this summer program is to support educational activities and encourages applications from individuals with diverse background--including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences--to pursue further studies or careers in research. Please note that NIH interprets this phrase broadly. I.e., NIH generally defines “individuals from diverse backgrounds” broadly to capture to all dimensions of diversity (e.g., educational background, geography, area of scientific interest, etc.).  Thus, this language is intended to mean that the program is open to a wide array of students (underrepresented or not), of which students from underrepresented groups are a part.   Due to the funding agency, this opportunity is open to U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents only. 

Information about faculty, projects, application process, deadlines, and contact information can be accessed at: DMICE Summer Internship.

Equity Research Program

The OHSU Equity Internship Program offers an exciting opportunity for diverse undergraduate students to spend eight weeks working with administrators, faculty, scientists, and graduate students in a research and community-based setting. It is designed to offer research experiences to college students that excel academically and come from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds. For more information contact studentdiversity@ohsu.edu.

Students can apply to one of the tracks available: 

  • Biomedical Sciences - M.Sc. & Ph.D.  
  • Medicine - M.D. 
  • Nursing - B.S.N. & A.N.P. 
  • Physician Assistant – P.A. 

See the Equity Research Program for more information.

Fluorescence Molecular Imaging Internship Program

The Fluorescence Molecular Imaging Internship Program is a ten-week program hosted by the Gibbs Laboratory to provide hands-on science education to high school and college students interested in careers in scientific research. The first summer of participation is a voluntary learning experience in which the interns learn a variety of wet bench laboratory skills such as cell culture, spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, macroscopic fluorescence imaging, immunostaining, organic synthesis, small molecule purification as well as antibody conjugation and purification strategies. Additionally, interns learn about data analysis and processing and can learn about programming, especially in the area of image analysis. Interns who complete the ten-week program may be eligible to return the following year to participate in a paid internship program that would also provide additional experience. To apply, send a cover letter expressing your reason for interest in the program as well as your C.V. to Dr. Summer Gibbs. The deadline for applications is March 15.

Jump Start

Jump Start, a dynamic research program for post-baccalaureate scholars, offers a transformative eight-week experience from mid-June to mid-August, designed to equip participants with research skills and professional acumen crucial for graduate school acceptance and success in research careers. Encouraging diversity, the program targets underrepresented individuals—minorities, those with disabilities, LGBTQ individuals, and those from rural or low-income backgrounds—without requiring prior research experience.

With a stipend provided, participants work 30-35 hours per week, dividing their time between 30 hours in the lab and 5-10 hours in supplementary training. Paired with faculty mentors from OHSU Casey Eye Institute, scholars receive comprehensive training in research methodologies, lab procedures, scientific writing, and poster presentations. Applications, including resumes and personal statements addressing the applicant's interest, suitability, and future goals, are due by Feb. 23, 2024, ensuring a diverse and qualified cohort for the Jump Start program.

Learn more on the Casey Eye Institute site or contact Allie Kirby.

Murdock Undergraduate Collaborate Research Program

The program is designed for talented students in their junior year from Corban University, George Fox University, Lewis & Clark College, Linfield University, Pacific University, University of Portland, Warner Pacific University, and Willamette University who are interested in pursuing a career in biomedical research, particularly those who are considering graduate school or an M.D./Ph.D. program.

Students participate in ongoing research projects with investigators at OHSU and are paid a stipend. Students who are already committed to a career involving only clinical practice, such as private practice physicians or dentists, are specifically discouraged from applying. Application deadline is mid-October. 

Contact murdockscholars@ohsu.edu  for more information.

Northwest Native American Center of Excellence

The Northwest Native American Center of Excellence is a collaboration between OHSU, the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, and Portland State University working to comprehensively and sustainably address the health care needs of all people by increasing Native American voice in the U.S. health professions workforce.

Contact NativeHealth@ohsu.edu for more information.

OHSU Administrative Internship Program

The OHSU Administrative Internship Program allows undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to experience the healthcare profession through an administrative lens. In addition to the assigned project, interns will have the opportunity to experience day-to-day operations (e.g., daily readiness huddles, staff seminars and trainings, etc.), as well interact with patients, families and staff through rounds and other engagement experiences. To support intern growth, development and networking opportunities, weekly lunches with executive leadership will be provided, including an in-depth question and answer session.  

Contact adminintern@ohsu.edu for more information.

OHSU Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP)

The OHSU Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) is a paid, one-year research opportunity. The program is funded by the National Institute of General Medical SciencesVollum Institute, and OHSU Research & Innovation. The program supports and trains recent college graduates for their transition into rigorous biomedical, research-focused doctoral degree programs (e.g., Ph.D., M.D./Ph.D.).

In addition to a year-long sustained research experience, OHSU PREP scholars will receive individualized competency-based professional and career skill development opportunities that allow for cultural immersion through interactions with near-peer mentors (i.e., graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) and OHSU faculty.

Learn more about PREP.

Oregon AHEC Programs

Oregon AHEC is a partnership between OHSU and five regional centers. Please visit center websites for programs in your county.

Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences Summer Internships

Summer internships with Occupational Health Sciences are designed to introduce undergraduate students to biomedical and occupational health research.  Typically 10-14 openings are available in the laboratories of the Institute scientists. The interns are provided a stipend and the program is 2.5-3 months in duration, beginning in June.  Application due dates and requirements.

Oregon National Primate Research Center Summer Fellowship

The Undergraduate Summer Fellowship Program supports students who are current sophomores or juniors in 10-week internships for which a $3500 stipend is received (successful applicants who live out of state may be eligible for assistance with travel expenses). Principal Investigators in the Divisions of Neuroscience, Reproductive and Developmental Sciences, Pathobiology and Immunology and our Animal Resources and Research Support unit oversee research programs related to high-priority medical needs that are expected to increase in importance and funding emphasis over the coming decades. These include research in neurodevelopment, neuroendocrinology, neurodegeneration, cancer, aging, mental illness, brain injury, addiction, obesity, reproductive health, immune response to infectious agents, and stem cells. Specific project details and application materials are available here.

Fellows complete a project during their internship and present the results of their research at the culminating Summer Science Symposium. Updated project descriptions and application information are uploaded each September.  Applications are due in late January each year.  Application information is uploaded each September.  Applications are due in late January each year. 

Contact Kayla McDaniel at mcdankay@ohsu.edu  for more information.

ORION Undergraduate Internship Program

The Oregon Research and InnovatiON (ORION) Undergraduate Internship Program is an American Heart Association-funded initiative designed to train undergraduate research fellows in basic and translational research focused on the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease. The overall scientific goal of the ORION Program is to discover new pathways that represent safe and effective druggable targets to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction and stroke. The overall mentoring goal of the ORION Program is to train undergraduates in four key elements: a) diversity, equity and inclusion in teams; b) experimental premise and design; c) data and quantitative analysis; d) oral and written presentation of results.

The ORION Program is creating the future leaders of cardiovascular disease research. Positions are available in the cardiovascular research laboratories led by Drs. Monica Hinds, Owen McCarty, Sandra Rugonyi, Joe Aslan, Joseph Shatzel, and Karina Nakayama. Program includes a stipend of $6,000 to cover room and board and additional support to attend and present at a national conference. The program is open to rising juniors and seniors (undergraduate) and recent graduates.  For more information, visit the biomedical engineering summer internships page.

To Apply:Application deadline is Feb. 15, 2024. Send the following materials to BMEIntern@ohsu.edu

  1. CV or resume 
  2. Unofficial transcript 
  3. Cover letter describing career goals and research interest 
  4. One letter of recommendation sent separately 

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward is a medical student-run mentorship program which aims to pair undergraduate mentees from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds with current OHSU medical students to create a more equitable workforce, increase cultural competence, and reduce health disparities. The School of Medicine Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) and OASIS (Outreach, Advising, Support and Identity formation for Students) fund the program. Members of the Pay It Forward Student Interest Group determine matches as identified by the application profile, student interests, specialty of medicine, etc. 

Application cycle begins each Fall. Questions?  Please contact us at payitforward@ohsu.edu

Portland VA Research Foundation (PVARF) Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

PVARF is accepting applications for our 2023 Summer Research Fellowship. Our annual summer program offers opportunities for undergraduate students to gain hands-on experience in laboratories and research activities at the VA Portland Health Care System. In addition to gaining invaluable research experience pivotal for college applications and resumes, students have the opportunity to meet with scientists from varying disciplines in the scientific field, work with mentors, and see how research is done.

The fellowship provides unique research opportunities across a range of research areas. Projects will be under the direction of a Principal Investigator (Mentor) and other team members. This is a 10-week program with 40 hours per week expected. The targeted start date for this year’s program is June 5, 2023. Participants will receive a support stipend of $5,500.

Applications must be submitted by February 19, 2023.

View for more information and to apply.

Provost Scholar Program

The 10-week Provost Scholar Program is part of a larger Undergraduate Summer Fellowship (USF) program administered by the Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC), an institute of Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU).  Two students are funded through this program each summer.  Eligible applicants will be current sophomores or juniors in an accredited 4-year institution in the state of Oregon by the start date of the program and come from an underrepresented minority background (includes Native American or Alaska Native; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander; Hispanic or Latino).  Additional criteria for application may include having experienced economic hardship*, being first in your family to attend college, and/or having experienced other educational, ethnic/cultural, family circumstance hardships.  

*Economically disadvantaged students are defined as individuals who come from a low-income family, using low income levels specified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as a guideline. Selected participants will receive a $3,500 stipend; travel reimbursement, housing, and meal costs may also be provided. Fellows complete a project during their internship and present the results of their research at the culminating Summer Science Symposium. Specific project details and application materials are available here

Contact Kayla McDaniel at mcdankay@ohsu.edu  for more information.

Quantitative Biology / Biophysics Internship

The Quantitative Biology / Biophysics Internship in the Galbraith Lab within the Knight Cancer Institute and the BME Department creates opportunities for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students to participate in quantitative biology and biophysics research. Interns participate in experiments and data analysis as part of an NSF grant to the lab. We anticipate applicants from a wide range of educational levels. Our primary goal is to offer them a cutting-edge research setting with correspondingly meaningful problems to give them the tools to become quantitative scientists. We structure each project to be appropriate for the student’s educational level, and interns are encouraged to take “scientific ownership” of their project.  At the end of the internship, students typically present their work at a local conference or are included as an author in a national abstract presentation.

OHSU partnered with Dr. Moses Williams of the Distance Learning Center to form the STEMPrep internship program. The collective mission is to foster sustained interest and engagement of underrepresented minority students in STEM-related activities, and ultimately success in STEM-related careers.   It is a full-time 8-week summer internship for 11th and 12th graders and 10 weeks for college students.  The trainees are paired with a research and clinical mentor. They are given hands-on research experience and participate in didactic sessions and a computational boot camp.  In addition, the students are treated to a variety of fun weekend excursions in and around the Portland metro area. Visit for more information.

School of Dentistry Research Internship Program

The OHSU School of Dentistry Research Internship Program provides interns with practical research experience in the fields of dental and oral health.

This program is designed to support high school students, undergraduates, and those matriculating into the OHSU Dentistry program, offering them valuable opportunities to engage in research activities. Our goal is to establish clear pathways to careers in dental, oral, and craniofacial research, fostering the next generation of researchers in these critical areas.


OHSU has partnered with Dr. Moses Williams of the Distance Learning Center to form the STEMPrep internship program. The collective mission is to foster sustained interest and engagement of underrepresented minority students in STEM-related activities, and ultimately success in STEM-related careers.

STEMPrep is a full-time 8-week summer internship for 11th and 12th graders and 10 weeks for college students.  Trainees are paired with a research and clinical mentor. They are given hands-on research experience and participate in didactic sessions and a computational boot camp.  In addition, the students are treated to a variety of fun weekend excursions in and around the Portland metro area.

UCEDD Summer Internship Program

The OHSU UCEDD Summer Internship Program (SIP) will be hybrid (some in-person and some virtual activities). SIP is an eight-week long summer internship that provides opportunities for high school or early college age students to gain experience in the disability field, develop transferable skills, and learn about various career paths in health care. Interns will participate 24 hours per week in group activities and on a project at one of the Institute on Development and Disability centers, gaining experience in research, education, training, and dissemination.

This internship is designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career in health care, specifically with a focus on disability. Interns will receive a stipend. Applications are due January 16, 2023.

Visit for more information, including a link to the application.

Vollum Institute/OHSU Neuroscience Graduate Program

The Vollum Institute/OHSU Neuroscience Graduate Program offers summer undergraduate research internships with a stipend that covers housing and living expenses.  The program lasts for 8 weeks and preference is given to students with a strong interest in PhD training in neuroscience.  The deadline to apply is Jan. 15, 2024. 

Apply here.