Headshot photo of Abigail A. Lenhart, M.D.

Abigail A. Lenhart, M.D.

  • Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, School of Medicine


Dr. Lenhart is a clinician educator and investigator in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics. In education, she focuses her efforts on working with medical student in their clinical years.   Her primary professional and research interest is ambulatory team wellbeing. She currently serves of the co-Chair of the primary care wellbeing work group and as a member of the OHSU Wellbeing Leadership Team.  

Education and training

    • M.D., 2007, University of Maryland School of Medicine
  • Residency

    • Internal medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 2010

Memberships and associations:

  • Alpha Omega Alpha


Elsevier pure profile


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