Welcome to OHSU!
Welcome to your postdoctoral training at OHSU! Whether you are a prospective, current, or former OHSU postdoctoral scholar, use these pages to find information vital to you, including resources for policies and benefits, career and professional development, research and funding, and connecting with current and former colleagues.
As an OHSU postdoctoral scholar, you are critical to our research mission and community. Without you, many of OHSU's discoveries would never be made. As such, the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs is dedicated to your technical and professional development, ensuring that you acquire the skills and knowledge required for your desired career.
Remember, only you can direct the course of your career. Take advantage of all the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, and OHSU, has to offer. If you have questions or require assistance, please contact us at opa@ohsu.edu.
OHSU News Feed
- Match Day excitement: M.D. students celebrate a career-defining moment
- Shivaani Kummar appointed interim Chief Executive of the Knight Cancer Institute
- FDA approval of drug for rare genetic disorder gives families hope
- Accolades: Awards, honors and appointments March
- Ensayo clínico da resultados prometedores para estimular más pruebas de detección de cáncer colorrectal en áreas rurales