Headshot photo of Alice Orban<span class="profile__pronouns"> (she/her)</span>

Alice Orban (she/her)

  • Library Technology Support Analyst, Library


Alice is primarily tasked with providing technical support to the OHSU library. She acts as a liaison with OHSU ITG and provides frontline support for library staff to ensure they are operational on a day-to-day basis.

This includes advanced support for Library and OHSU software; troubleshooting hardware issues including computers, printers, and scanners; and phone and network support as needed. Part of these responsibilities involve Alice with the maintenance of existing equipment, proper documentation of system processes, and new equipment installations.

She also works with, and provides backup for, the Access Services Coordinators and Access Services manager supporting the Library’s Service desk; helping to provide departmental services.

Alice obtained the majority of her IT expertise from her time in the United States Navy and the Public Library System in Orange County, Florida.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.A., 2017, University of Central Florida



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