Arthur A. Vandenbark, Ph.D.

  • Professor of Neurology, School of Medicine



Our studies will provide unique insights into the mechanisms of RTL therapy for EAE in mice, with implications for similar evaluations in subjects with MS.   

Impact on Clinical Care: MS patients develop clinical signs at about age 30, and require increasing care as their disease progresses and their productivity decreases over the duration of their normal lifespan. There is currently little to offer clinically for the treatment of MS. Thus, if the RTL approach is found to be effective in MS or other autoimmune disease, it has the potential to improve the type and quality of care available to these patients, and over the long term, to reduce the considerable costs of chronic care.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • Ph.D., 1973, Washington State University

Areas of interest

  • Activation of encephalitogenic T cells
  • T cell receptor peptide therapy
  • Recombinant T cell receptor ligands for regulating neuroantigen specific T cells
  • Translational studies in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
  • Multiple sclerosis



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