Beth A. Habecker, Ph.D.

  • Professor of Chemical Physiology and Biochemistry, School of Medicine
  • Professor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, School of Medicine
  • Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, School of Medicine
  • Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences, School of Medicine
  • Neuroscience Graduate Program, School of Medicine
  • M.D./Ph.D. Program Committee, School of Medicine


Dr. Habecker received her PhD in Pharmacology from the University of Washington in Seattle, and carried out postdoctoral training in Neuroscience with Dr. Story Landis at Case Western Reserve University and the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The current focus of her laboratory is on sympathetic neuron-target interactions after injury, with a particular focus myocardial infarction and the changes that occur in sympathetic nerves within the heart after MI. Her lab has identified mechanisms involved in axon degeneration, axon sprouting/ regeneration, and alterations in neurotransmitter and peptide production.  They have also connected changes in cardiac nerves to altered arrhythmia susceptibility and cardiac function.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.A., 1987, Spring Arbor University
    • Ph.D., 1992, University of Washington

Areas of interest

  • Autonomic neuron plasticity
  • Neurotransmitter/receptor expression



  • Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized With Methamphetamine-Associated Heart Failure A Comparative Study of Enrolled vs Nonenrolled Patients

    Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
    1. Shirin O. Hiatt
    2. S. Albert Camacho
    3. Christopher Lee
    4. Nathan F. Dieckmann
    5. Jayne Mitchell
    6. Yasmine Robles
    7. Evan F. Shalen
    8. Beth A. Habecker
    9. Quin E. Denfeld
  • Chronic nicotine exposure is associated with electrophysiological and sympathetic remodeling in the intact rabbit heart

    American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology
    1. Amanda Guevara
    2. Charlotte E.R. Smith
    3. Jessica L. Caldwell
    4. Lena Ngo
    5. Lilian R. Mott
    6. I. Ju Lee
    7. Srinivas Tapa
    8. Zhen Wang
    9. Lianguo Wang
    10. William R. Woodward
    11. G. Andre Ng
    12. Beth A. Habecker
    13. Crystal M. Ripplinger
  • Hypertension increases sympathetic neuron activity by enhancing intraganglionic cholinergic collateral connections

    Journal of Physiology
    1. Minghua Li
    2. Michelle Sorensen
    3. Morgan A. Johnson
    4. Susan L. Ingram
    5. Michael C. Andresen
    6. Beth A. Habecker
  • Hypertension-induced heart failure disrupts cardiac sympathetic innervation

    American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology
    1. Arianna Scalco
    2. Ethan N. Lee
    3. Morgan A. Johnson
    4. Michelle L. Sorensen
    5. Thomas N. Hilton
    6. Riley K. Omonaka
    7. Shae Zeimantz
    8. Sue A. Aicher
    9. William R. Woodward
    10. Beth A. Habecker
  • Ischemia-reperfusion myocardial infarction induces remodeling of left cardiac-projecting stellate ganglia neurons

    American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology
    1. Madeleine S. Barrett
    2. Temerity C. Bauer
    3. Minghua Li
    4. Deborah M. Hegarty
    5. Clarissa M.D. Mota
    6. Chimezie J. Amaefuna
    7. Susan Ingram
    8. Beth A. Habecker
    9. Sue A. Aicher
  • Molecular and cellular neurocardiology in heart disease

    Journal of Physiology
    1. Beth A. Habecker
    2. Donald M. Bers
    3. Susan J. Birren
    4. Rui Chang
    5. Neil Herring
    6. Matthew W. Kay
    7. Dan Li
    8. David Mendelowitz
    9. Marco Mongillo
    10. Johanna M. Montgomery
    11. Crystal M. Ripplinger
    12. Emmanouil Tampakakis
    13. Annika Winbo
    14. Tania Zaglia
    15. Nadja Zeltner
    16. David J. Paterson
  • Sympathetic dysfunction is associated with worse fatigue and early and subtle symptoms in heart failure

    European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
    1. Nina Stutsman
    2. Beth Habecker
    3. Noelle Pavlovic
    4. Corrine Y. Jurgens
    5. William R. Woodward
    6. Christopher S. Lee
    7. Quin E. Denfeld
  • Sympathetic structural and electrophysiological remodeling in a rabbit model of reperfused myocardial infarction

    American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology
    1. Amanda Guevara
    2. Charlotte E.R. Smith
    3. Lianguo Wang
    4. Jessica L. Caldwell
    5. Srinivas Tapa
    6. Samantha D. Francis Stuart
    7. Betty W. Ma
    8. G. Andre Ng
    9. Beth A. Habecker
    10. Zhen Wang
    11. Crystal M. Ripplinger
  • Candidate biomarkers of physical frailty in heart failure

    European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
    1. Quin E. Denfeld
    2. Jonathan Q. Purnell
    3. Christopher Lee
    4. Eric S. Orwoll
    5. S. Albert Camacho
    6. Shirin O. Hiatt
    7. Mary Roberts Davis
    8. Kerri Winters-Stone
    9. William R. Woodward
    10. Beth A. Habecker
  • Cholinergic collaterals arising from noradrenergic sympathetic neurons in mice

    Journal of Physiology
    1. Courtney Clyburn
    2. Ming Hua Li
    3. Susan L. Ingram
    4. Michael C. Andresen
    5. Beth A. Habecker
  • Loss of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan sulfation allows delayed sympathetic reinnervation after cardiac ischemia–reperfusion

    Physiological reports
    1. Matthew R. Blake
    2. Diana C. Parrish
    3. Melanie A. Staffenson
    4. Morgan A. Johnson
    5. William R. Woodward
    6. Beth A. Habecker
  • A primer on incorporating sex as a biological variable into the conduct and reporting of basic and clinical research studies

    American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology
    1. Quin E. Denfeld
    2. Christopher S. Lee
    3. Beth A. Habecker
  • Background and Design of the Biological and Physiological Mechanisms of Symptom Clusters in Heart Failure (BIOMES-HF) Study

    Journal of Cardiac Failure
    1. Quin E. Denfeld
    2. S. Albert Camacho
    3. Nathan Dieckmann
    4. Shirin O. Hiatt
    5. Mary Roberts Davis
    6. Daniela V. Cramer
    7. Allissah Rupert
    8. Beth A. Habecker
    9. Christopher S. Lee
  • Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan 4,6 sulfation regulates sympathetic nerve regeneration after myocardial infarction

    1. M. R. Blake
    2. D. C. Parrish
    3. M. A. Staffenson
    4. S. Sueda
    5. W. R. Woodward
    6. B. A. Habecker
  • Distinct morphology of cardiac- and brown adipose tissue-projecting neurons in the stellate ganglia of mice

    Physiological reports
    1. Madeleine S. Barrett
    2. Deborah M. Hegarty
    3. Beth A. Habecker
    4. Sue A. Aicher
  • Small Molecules Targeting PTPσ-Trk Interactions Promote Sympathetic Nerve Regeneration

    ACS Chemical Neuroscience
    1. Matthew R. Blake
    2. Ryan T. Gardner
    3. Haihong Jin
    4. Melanie A. Staffenson
    5. Nicole J. Rueb
    6. Amy M. Barrios
    7. Gregory B. Dudley
    8. Michael S. Cohen
    9. Beth A. Habecker
  • Therapeutics That Promote Sympathetic Reinnervation Modulate the Inflammatory Response After Myocardial Infarction

    JACC: Basic to Translational Science
    1. Joseph J. Sepe
    2. Ryan T. Gardner
    3. Matthew R. Blake
    4. Deja M. Brooks
    5. Melanie A. Staffenson
    6. Courtney B. Betts
    7. Sam Sivagnanam
    8. William Larson
    9. Sushil Kumar
    10. Richard G. Bayles
    11. Haihong Jin
    12. Michael S. Cohen
    13. Lisa M. Coussens
    14. Beth A. Habecker
  • Untangling Peripheral Sympathetic Neurocircuits

    Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
    1. Courtney Clyburn
    2. Michael C. Andresen
    3. Susan L. Ingram
    4. Beth A. Habecker
  • Characterizing Sex Differences in Physical Frailty Phenotypes in Heart Failure

    Circulation: Heart Failure
    1. Quin E. Denfeld
    2. Beth A. Habecker
    3. S. Albert Camacho
    4. Mary Roberts Davis
    5. Nandita Gupta
    6. Shirin O. Hiatt
    7. Mary E. Medysky
    8. Jonathan Q. Purnell
    9. Kerri Winters-Stone
    10. Christopher S. Lee
  • Developmental exposure to DDT or DDE alters sympathetic innervation of brown adipose in adult female mice

    Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source
    1. Annalise N. vonderEmbse
    2. Sarah E. Elmore
    3. Kyle B. Jackson
    4. Beth A. Habecker
    5. Katherine E. Manz
    6. Kurt D. Pennell
    7. Pamela J. Lein
    8. Michele A. La Merrill
  • Exploring gender differences in trajectories of clinical markers and symptoms after left ventricular assist device implantation

    European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
    1. Quin E. Denfeld
    2. Kenneth M. Faulkner
    3. Mary Roberts Davis
    4. Beth A. Habecker
    5. Christopher V. Chien
    6. Jill M. Gelow
    7. James O. Mudd
    8. Shirin O. Hiatt
    9. Kathleen L. Grady
    10. Christopher S. Lee
  • Phosphorylation of Lamin A/C at serine 22 modulates Nav1.5 function

    Physiological reports
    1. Michael A. Olaopa
    2. Tomohiko Ai
    3. Bo Chao
    4. Xiangshu Xiao
    5. Matteo Vatta
    6. Beth A. Habecker
  • Adrenergic supersensitivity and impaired neural control of cardiac electrophysiology following regional cardiac sympathetic nerve loss

    Scientific Reports
    1. Srinivas Tapa
    2. Lianguo Wang
    3. Samantha D. Francis Stuart
    4. Zhen Wang
    5. Yanyan Jiang
    6. Beth A. Habecker
    7. Crystal M. Ripplinger