Headshot photo of Carly Michelz, R.D., L.D.

Carly Michelz, R.D., L.D.

  • Clinical Nutrition Services


Carly is a Registered Dietitian for the OHSU Cystic Fibrosis and Bariatric Services and also works as an inpatient Dietitian. She graduated in 2017 from Mount Mary University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She started her career as an inpatient dietitian, until she made her move to Portland, OR in 2019 where she took her experience she had already gained and expanded it to outpatient care. Carly loves getting to know her patients on a personal level and helping her patients be successful in improving their health.
Carly loves spending time with her family and friends. She is also enjoying exploring the city of Portland and is always looking for new recommendations of places or restaurants to check out.

Education and training

    • B.S., 2017, Mount Mary University
  • Certifications

    • Registered Dietitian, 2017

Memberships and associations:

  • American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
  • American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition



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