Craig S. Broberg, M.D.

  • Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, School of Medicine
  • Victor Menashe, M.D. Endowed Professor, Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, School of Medicine
  • Director, Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program

Education and training

  • Residency

    • Internal medicine - University of Washington, Seattle, WA
  • Fellowship

    • Cardiology - Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR
  • Certifications

    • American Board of Internal Medicine, cardiovascular diseases (2003), American Board of Internal Medicine, internal medicine (1999)

Areas of interest

  • Adult Congenital Heart DiseaseEcho
  • Echocardiography
  • Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance


Elsevier pure profile


  • Propensity Score Analysis of Possible Medication Effects on Outcomes in Patients With Systemic Right Ventricles

    JACC: Advances
    1. Amrit Misra
    2. Carla P. Rodriguez-Monserrate
    3. Kimberlee Gauvreau
    4. Mikael Dellborg
    5. Flavia Fusco
    6. Tripti Gupta
    7. Joseph Kay
    8. Shelby Kutty
    9. Robert M. Kauling
    10. Jeremy Nicolarsen
    11. Jolien Roos-Hesselink
    12. Anitha S. John
    13. Joshua Wong
    14. Luke Burchill
    15. Eric V. Krieger
    16. Adam M. Lubert
    17. Pastora Gallego
    18. Marissa Kuo
    19. Jamil Aboulhosn
    20. Jonathan Cramer
    21. Petra Antonova
    22. David Baker
    23. Payam Dehghani
    24. Alexander R. Opotowsky
    25. Alexandra van Dissel
    26. Jasmine Grewal
    27. Elizabeth Yeung
    28. Susan Fernandes
    29. Salil Ginde
    30. Paul Khairy
    31. Frank Han
    32. Isabelle Vonder Muhll
    33. William M. Wilson
    34. William Aaron Kay
    35. Stephen Pylypchuk
    36. Berardo Sarubbi
    37. Clare O'Donnell
    38. Fred Rodriguez
    39. Pavithra S. Jayadeva
    40. David S. Celermajer
    41. Sangeeta Shah
    42. Timothy Cotts
    43. Christopher DeZorzi
    44. Anthony Magalski
    45. Anne Marie Valente
    46. Craig S. Broberg
  • Cardiovascular Outcomes Associated With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Versus Other Types of Single Right Ventricle

    Journal of the American Heart Association
    1. Nabil Dib
    2. Nancy Poirier
    3. Michelle Samuel
    4. Sewanou Hermann Honfo
    5. Ali Zaidi
    6. Alexander R. Opotowsky
    7. François Pierre Mongeon
    8. Blandine Mondésert
    9. Joseph Kay
    10. Reda Ibrahim
    11. Robert M. Hamilton
    12. Anne Fournier
    13. Susan M. Jameson
    14. Annie Dore
    15. Stephen Cook
    16. Scott Cohen
    17. Marie A. Chaix
    18. Craig S. Broberg
    19. Jamil Aboulhosn
    20. Paul Khairy
  • Cardiovascular Outcomes in Fontan Patients With Right vs Left Univentricular Morphology

    JACC: Advances
    1. Nabil Dib
    2. Marie A. Chaix
    3. Michelle Samuel
    4. Sewanou Hermann Honfo
    5. Robert M. Hamilton
    6. Jamil Aboulhosn
    7. Craig S. Broberg
    8. Scott Cohen
    9. Stephen Cook
    10. Annie Dore
    11. Susan M. Jameson
    12. Anne Fournier
    13. Reda Ibrahim
    14. Joseph Kay
    15. François Pierre Mongeon
    16. Alexander R. Opotowsky
    17. Ali Zaidi
    18. Nancy Poirier
    19. Paul Khairy
  • Impact of Fontan Fenestration on Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes

    Canadian Journal of Cardiology
    1. Nabil Dib
    2. Michelle Samuel
    3. Sylvie Levesque
    4. Ali Zaidi
    5. Sarah Cohen
    6. Alexander R. Opotowsky
    7. François Pierre Mongeon
    8. Blandine Mondésert
    9. Joseph Kay
    10. Reda Ibrahim
    11. Robert M. Hamilton
    12. Anne Fournier
    13. Susan M. Jameson
    14. Annie Dore
    15. Stephen C. Cook
    16. Scott Cohen
    17. Marie A. Chaix
    18. Craig S. Broberg
    19. Jamil Aboulhosn
    20. Nancy Poirier
    21. Paul Khairy
  • Prognostic Significance of Hemodynamics in Patients With Transposition of the Great Arteries and Systemic Right Ventricle

    Circulation: Heart Failure
    1. Nael Aldweib
    2. Payam Deghani
    3. Craig S. Broberg
    4. Alexandra van Dissel
    5. Ahmad Altibi
    6. Joshua Wong
    7. David Baker
    8. Salil Gindi
    9. Paul Khairy
    10. Alexander R. Opotowsky
    11. Sangeeta Shah
    12. Anthony Magalski
    13. Jonathan Cramer
    14. Robert M. Kauling
    15. Mikael Dellborg
    16. Eric V. Krieger
    17. Elizabeth Yeung
    18. Jolien Roos-Hesselink
    19. Jamil Aboulhosn
    20. Jeremy Nicolarsen
    21. Luke Masha
    22. Pastora Gallego
    23. David S. Celermajer
    24. Joseph Kay
    25. Isabelle Vonder Muhll
    26. Susan M. Jameson
    27. Clare O’Donnell
    28. Flavia Fusco
    29. Anitha S. John
    30. Conrad Macon
    31. Petra Antonova
    32. Timothy Cotts
    33. Berardo Sarubbi
    34. Fred Rodriguez
    35. Christopher DeZorzi
    36. Pavithra S. Jayadeva
    37. Marissa Kuo
    38. Shelby Kutty
    39. Tripti Gupta
    40. Luke Burchill
    41. Carla P. Rodriguez Monserrate
    42. Adam M. Lubert
    43. Jasmine Grewal
    44. Stephen Pylypchuk
    45. Mark N. Belkin
    46. William M. Wilson
  • Racial Disparity

    Pediatric Cardiology
    1. Castigliano M. Bhamidipati
    2. Ibett Colina Garcia
    3. Bohye Kim
    4. Lidija B. McGrath
    5. Abigail Khan
    6. Craig S. Broberg
    7. Ashok Muralidaran
    8. Irving Shen
  • COVID-19–Related Thrombotic and Bleeding Events in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease

    JACC: Advances
    1. Flavia Fusco
    2. Richard A. Krasuski
    3. Soraya Sadeghi
    4. Marlon S. Rosenbaum
    5. Matthew J. Lewis
    6. Matthew R. Carazo
    7. Fred H. Rodriguez
    8. Dan G. Halpern
    9. Jodi L. Feinberg
    10. Francisca A. Galilea
    11. Fernando Baraona
    12. Ari M. Cedars
    13. Jong M. Ko
    14. Prashob Porayette
    15. Jennifer R. Maldonado
    16. Alexandra A. Frogoudaki
    17. Amiram Nir
    18. Anisa Chaudhry
    19. Anitha S. John
    20. Arsha Karbassi
    21. Javier Ganame
    22. Arvind Hoskoppal
    23. Benjamin P. Frischhertz
    24. Benjamin Hendrickson
    25. Carla P. Rodriguez-Monserrate
    26. Christopher R. Broda
    27. Daniel Tobler
    28. David Gregg
    29. Efrén Martinez-Quintana
    30. Elizabeth Yeung
    31. Eric V. Krieger
    32. Francisco J. Ruperti-Repilado
    33. George Giannakoulas
    34. George K. Lui
    35. Georges Ephrem
    36. Harsimran S. Singh
    37. Almeneisi Hasan
    38. Heather L. Bartlett
    39. Ian Lindsay
    40. Jasmine Grewal
    41. Jeremy Nicolarsen
    42. John J. Araujo
    43. Jonathan W. Cramer
    44. Judith Bouchardy
    45. Khalid Al Najashi
    46. Kristi Ryan
    47. Laith Alshawabkeh
    48. Lauren Andrade
    49. Magalie Ladouceur
    50. Markus Schwerzmann
    51. Matthias Greutmann
    52. Pablo Merás
    53. Paolo Ferrero
    54. Payam Dehghani
    55. Poyee P. Tung
    56. Rocio Garcia-Orta
    57. Rose Tompkins
    58. Salwa M. Gendi
    59. Scott Cohen
    60. Scott E. Klewer
    61. Sebastien Hascoet
    62. Shailendra Upadhyay
    63. Stacy D. Fisher
    64. Stephen Cook
    65. Timothy B. Cotts
    66. Adrienne H. Kovacs
    67. Jamil A. Aboulhosn
    68. Giancarlo Scognamiglio
    69. Craig S. Broberg
    70. Berardo Sarubbi
  • End-stage heart failure in congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries

    European heart journal
    1. Alexandra C. Van Dissel
    2. Alexander R. Opotowsky
    3. Luke J. Burchill
    4. Jamil Aboulhosn
    5. Jasmine Grewal
    6. Adam M. Lubert
    7. Petra Antonova
    8. Sangeeta Shah
    9. Timothy Cotts
    10. Anitha S. John
    11. William Aaron Kay
    12. Christopher Dezorzi
    13. Anthony Magalski
    14. Frank Han
    15. David Baker
    16. Joseph Kay
    17. Elizabeth Yeung
    18. Isabelle Vonder Muhll
    19. Stephen Pylypchuk
    20. Marissa C. Kuo
    21. Jeremy Nicolarsen
    22. Berardo Sarubbi
    23. Flavia Fusco
    24. Susan M. Jameson
    25. Jonathan Cramer
    26. Tripti Gupta
    27. Pastora Gallego
    28. Clare O'donnell
    29. Jane Hannah
    30. Mikael Dellborg
    31. Robert M. Kauling
    32. Salil Ginde
    33. Eric V. Krieger
    34. Fred Rodriguez
    35. Payam Dehghani
    36. Shelby Kutty
    37. Joshua Wong
    38. William M. Wilson
    39. Carla P. Rodriguez-Monserrate
    40. Jolien Roos-Hesselink
    41. David S. Celermajer
    42. Paul Khairy
    43. Craig S. Broberg
  • Hospital Care for Adult Patients with Congenital Heart Diseases

    Heart Surgery Forum
    1. Alicia J. Johnson
    2. Lidija B. McGrath
    3. Abigail M. Khan
    4. Craig S. Broberg
    5. Yoshio Otaki
    6. Irving Shen
    7. Ashok Muralidaran
    8. Castigliano M. Bhamidipati
  • Prevalence of traditional and non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors in adults with congenital heart disease

    International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease
    1. Jacqueline Levene
    2. Claire Cambron
    3. Lidija McGrath
    4. Ibett Colina Garcia
    5. Craig Broberg
    6. Katrina Ramsey
    7. Abigail Khan
  • Substance Use Disorders Are Prevalent in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease and Are Associated With Increased Healthcare Use

    American Journal of Cardiology
    1. Evan F. Shalen
    2. Lidija B. McGrath
    3. Castigliano M. Bhamidipati
    4. Ibett Colina Garcia
    5. Katrina Ramsey
    6. Craig S. Broberg
    7. Abigail M. Khan
  • Barriers to care in urban and rural dwelling adults with congenital heart disease

    Cardiology in the young
    1. Lidija McGrath
    2. Marshall Taunton
    3. Sheldon Levy
    4. Adrienne H. Kovacs
    5. Craig Broberg
    6. Abigail Khan
  • Distance to Care, Rural Dwelling Status, and Patterns of Care Utilization in Adult Congenital Heart Disease

    Pediatric Cardiology
    1. Abigail M. Khan
    2. Lidija B. McGrath
    3. Katrina Ramsey
    4. Anushree Agarwal
    5. Christopher G. Slatore
    6. Craig S. Broberg
  • Long-Term Outcomes After Atrial Switch Operation for Transposition of the Great Arteries

    Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    1. Craig S. Broberg
    2. Alexandra van Dissel
    3. Jessica Minnier
    4. Jamil Aboulhosn
    5. Robert M. Kauling
    6. Salil Ginde
    7. Eric V. Krieger
    8. Fred Rodriguez
    9. Tripti Gupta
    10. Sangeeta Shah
    11. Anitha S. John
    12. Timothy Cotts
    13. W. Aaron Kay
    14. Marissa Kuo
    15. Cindy Dwight
    16. Patricia Woods
    17. Jeremy Nicolarsen
    18. Berardo Sarubbi
    19. Flavia Fusco
    20. Petra Antonova
    21. Susan Fernandes
    22. Jasmine Grewal
    23. Jonathan Cramer
    24. Paul Khairy
    25. Pastora Gallego
    26. Clare O'Donnell
    27. Jane Hannah
    28. Mikael Dellborg
    29. Carla P. Rodriguez-Monserrate
    30. Isabelle Vonder Muhll
    31. Stephen Pylypchuk
    32. Anthony Magalski
    33. Frank Han
    34. Adam M. Lubert
    35. Joseph Kay
    36. Elizabeth Yeung
    37. Jolien Roos-Hesselink
    38. David Baker
    39. David S. Celermajer
    40. Luke J. Burchill
    41. William M. Wilson
    42. Joshua Wong
    43. Shelby Kutty
    44. Alexander R. Opotowsky
  • Time in Therapeutic Range With Vitamin K Antagonists in Congenital Heart Disease

    Canadian Journal of Cardiology
    1. Samir Basmaji
    2. Michelle Samuel
    3. Azadeh Shohoudi
    4. Robert M. Hamilton
    5. Jamil Aboulhosn
    6. Craig S. Broberg
    7. Marie A. Chaix
    8. Scott Cohen
    9. Stephen Cook
    10. Annie Dore
    11. Susan M. Fernandes
    12. Annik Fortier
    13. Anne Fournier
    14. Marie Claude Guertin
    15. Joseph Kay
    16. Blandine Mondésert
    17. François Pierre Mongeon
    18. Alexander R. Opotowsky
    19. Anna Proietti
    20. Jennifer Ting
    21. Ali Zaidi
    22. Paul Khairy
  • Adverse childhood experience, attachment style, and quality of life in adult congenital heart disease

    International Journal of Cardiology Congenital Heart Disease
    1. Marshall Taunton
    2. Lidija McGrath
    3. Craig Broberg
    4. Sheldon Levy
    5. Adrienne Kovacs
    6. Abigail Khan
  • Association of adults with congenital heart disease–specific care with clinical characteristics and healthcare use

    Journal of the American Heart Association
    1. Abigail M. Khan
    2. Lidija B. McGrath
    3. Katrina Ramsey
    4. Anushree Agarwal
    5. Craig S. Broberg
  • Cardiovascular outcomes of pregnancy in Turner syndrome

    1. Jasmine Grewal
    2. Anne Marie Valente
    3. Alexander C. Egbe
    4. Fred M. Wu
    5. Eric V. Krieger
    6. Virginia P. Sybert
    7. Iris M. Van Hagen
    8. Luc M. Beauchesne
    9. Fred H. Rodriguez
    10. Craig S. Broberg
    11. Anitha John
    12. Elisa A. Bradley
    13. Jolien W. Roos-Hesselink
  • Coronavirus disease 2019 in adults with congenital heart disease

    European heart journal
    1. Gerhard Paul Diller
    2. Michael A. Gatzoulis
    3. Craig S. Broberg
    4. Jamil Aboulhosn
    5. Margarita Brida
    6. Markus Schwerzmann
    7. Massimo Chessa
    8. Adrienne H. Kovacs
    9. Jolien Roos-Hesselink
  • COVID-19 in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease

    Journal of the American College of Cardiology
    1. Craig S. Broberg
    2. Adrienne H. Kovacs
    3. Soraya Sadeghi
    4. Marlon S. Rosenbaum
    5. Matthew J. Lewis
    6. Matthew R. Carazo
    7. Fred H. Rodriguez
    8. Dan G. Halpern
    9. Jodi Feinberg
    10. Francisca Arancibia Galilea
    11. Fernando Baraona
    12. Ari M. Cedars
    13. Jong M. Ko
    14. Prashob Porayette
    15. Jennifer Maldonado
    16. Berardo Sarubbi
    17. Flavia Fusco
    18. Alexandra A. Frogoudaki
    19. Amiram Nir
    20. Anisa Chaudhry
    21. Anitha S. John
    22. Arsha Karbassi
    23. Arvind K. Hoskoppal
    24. Benjamin P. Frischhertz
    25. Benjamin Hendrickson
    26. Berto J. Bouma
    27. Carla P. Rodriguez-Monserrate
    28. Christopher R. Broda
    29. Daniel Tobler
    30. David Gregg
    31. Efren Martinez-Quintana
    32. Elizabeth Yeung
    33. Eric V. Krieger
    34. Francisco J. Ruperti-Repilado
    35. George Giannakoulas
    36. George K. Lui
    37. Georges Ephrem
    38. Harsimran S. Singh
    39. Hassan MK Almeneisi
    40. Heather L. Bartlett
    41. Ian Lindsay
    42. Jasmine Grewal
    43. Jeremy Nicolarsen
    44. John J. Araujo
    45. Jonathan W. Cramer
    46. Judith Bouchardy
    47. Khalid Al Najashi
    48. Kristi Ryan
    49. Laith Alshawabkeh
    50. Lauren Andrade
    51. Magalie Ladouceur
    52. Markus Schwerzmann
    53. Matthias Greutmann
    54. Pablo Meras
    55. Paolo Ferrero
    56. Payam Dehghani
    57. Poyee P. Tung
    58. Rocio Garcia-Orta
    59. Rose O. Tompkins
    60. Salwa M. Gendi
    61. Scott Cohen
    62. Scott Klewer
    63. Sebastien Hascoet
    64. Shabnam Mohammadzadeh
    65. Shailendra Upadhyay
    66. Stacy D. Fisher
    67. Stephen Cook
    68. Timothy B. Cotts
    69. Jamil A. Aboulhosn
  • Left ventricular strain and fibrosis in adults with repaired tetralogy of Fallot

    International Journal of Cardiology
    1. Cesar Gonzalez de Alba
    2. Abigail Khan
    3. Patricia Woods
    4. Craig S. Broberg
  • Pregnancy outcome in thoracic aortic disease data from the Registry of Pregnancy and Cardiac disease

    1. Laurence Campens
    2. Lucia Baris
    3. Nandita S. Scott
    4. Craig S. Broberg
    5. Antione Bondue
    6. Guillaume Jondeau
    7. Jasmine Grewal
    8. Mark R. Johnson
    9. Roger Hall
    10. Julie De Backer
    11. Jolien W. Roos-Hesselink
  • Quality assurance of quantitative cardiac T1-mapping in multicenter clinical trials – A T1 phantom program from the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy registry (HCMR) study

    International Journal of Cardiology
    1. Qiang Zhang
    2. Konrad Werys
    3. Iulia A. Popescu
    4. Luca Biasiolli
    5. Ntobeko A.B. Ntusi
    6. Milind Desai
    7. Stefan L. Zimmerman
    8. Dipan J. Shah
    9. Kyle Autry
    10. Bette Kim
    11. Han W. Kim
    12. Elizabeth R. Jenista
    13. Steffen Huber
    14. James A. White
    15. Gerry P. McCann
    16. Saidi A. Mohiddin
    17. Redha Boubertakh
    18. Amedeo Chiribiri
    19. David Newby
    20. Sanjay Prasad
    21. Aleksandra Radjenovic
    22. Dana Dawson
    23. Jeanette Schulz-Menger
    24. Heiko Mahrholdt
    25. Iacopo Carbone
    26. Ornella Rimoldi
    27. Stefano Colagrande
    28. Linda Calistri
    29. Michelle Michels
    30. Mark B.M. Hofman
    31. Lisa Anderson
    32. Craig Broberg
    33. Flett Andrew
    34. Javier Sanz
    35. Chiara Bucciarelli-Ducci
    36. Kelvin Chow
    37. David Higgins
    38. David A. Broadbent
    39. Scott Semple
    40. Tarik Hafyane
    41. Joanne Wormleighton
    42. Michael Salerno
    43. Taigang He
    44. Sven Plein
    45. Raymond Y. Kwong
    46. Michael Jerosch-Herold
    47. Christopher M. Kramer
    48. Stefan Neubauer
    49. Vanessa M. Ferreira
    50. Stefan K. Piechnik
  • Safety and efficacy of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants for prevention of thromboembolism in adults with systemic right ventricle

    International Journal of Cardiology
    1. Giancarlo Scognamiglio
    2. Flavia Fusco
    3. Tara C. Hankel
    4. Berto J. Bouma
    5. Matthias Greutmann
    6. Paul Khairy
    7. Magalie Ladouceur
    8. Konstantinos Dimopoulos
    9. Koichiro Niwa
    10. Craig S. Broberg
    11. Berta Miranda
    12. Werner Budts
    13. Judith Bouchardy
    14. Markus Schwerzmann
    15. Magdalena Lipczyńska
    16. Daniel Tobler
    17. Shane F. Tsai
    18. Alexander C. Egbe
    19. Jamil Aboulhosn
    20. Susan M. Fernandes
    21. Bre Ann Garr
    22. Tobias Rutz
    23. Atsushi Mizuno
    24. Anna Proietti
    25. Rafael Alonso-Gonzalez
    26. Barbara J.M. Mulder
    27. Berardo Sarubbi