Headshot photo of David Nagarkatti-Gude, M.D., Ph.D.

David Nagarkatti-Gude, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine


Dr. Nagarkatti-Gude provides comprehensive psychiatric care for adults. In individual outpatient practice he offers both medication management and psychotherapy. He also has a strong interest in psychiatry’s integration with other medical services, and performs on-site consultation in primary care clinics. Consultation-liaison work is what first drew him to psychiatry, and he continues to be driven to better understand the overlap between psychiatric conditions and other diseases, and he greatly enjoys the liaison aspect of working with other providers to offer care in complex situations. He has a strong interest in using evidence-based medicine to offer effective and efficient mental health care, while maintaining human connection as a core of the practice of medicine.

Education and training

    • A.B., 2004, Harvard University
    • M.D., 2014, Virginia Commonwealth University
    • Ph.D., 2014, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Residency

    • Psychiatry, Oregon Health & Science University, 2018

Memberships and associations:

  • American Psychiatric Association
  • Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association
  • American Association of Community Psychiatrists
  • American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology


Elsevier pure profile


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