Headshot photo of Debi Stabler, M.Ed.

Debi Stabler, M.Ed.

  • Director, Administration & Faculty Affairs, Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, School of Medicine


Debi Stabler oversees the department's day-to-day administrative operations, including faculty affairs, human resources, administrative policies and support, communications, space, and equipment. She manages strategic initiatives such as the diversity action team. Debi has worked in APOM since 2010. Prior to working in academic medicine, her professional background was in higher education administration. 

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • M.Ed., 2004, Oregon State University


Selected publications

  • Zisblatt L, Fowler L, DiLorenzo A, Stabler D, Thompson A, Miller Juve A. “Improving Administrator and Educator Sense of Community in Anesthesiology Graduate Medical Education.” Journal of Education in Perioperative Medicine, 2020 January XXI (2). https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.seahq.org/resource/resmgr/jepm/xxi/volxxi_issue2_zisblatt.pdf 


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