Dennis McCarty, Ph.D.

  • Professor, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health


Dennis McCarty, Ph.D., a Professor in the Department of Public Health & Preventive Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University, works at the intersection of policy, research and practice assessing the organization, financing, and quality of prevention and treatment services for alcohol and drug disorders. He serves as the Director of the Education Core for the Methamphetamine Abuse Research Center (P50 DA018165), the co-Principal Investigator for the Western States Node of the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (U10 DA015815), and the Principal Investigator for an evaluation of the impacts of Oregon’s Coordinated Care Organizations on prevention and treatment for alcohol and drug use disorders (R33 DA035640).  Dr. McCarty is the Academic Director for the University of Amsterdam’s Summer Institute on Alcohol, Drugs and Addiction – a two week course that uses Dutch policy perspectives on drug use disorders to introduce the neuroscience, genetics, treatment and prevention of alcohol and drug use disorders.  Between 1989 and 1995, Dr. McCarty directed the Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Abuse Services for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Currently, he serves on the Oregon Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission and the Governor’s Task Force on Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse. He received a doctorate in social psychology from the University of Kentucky.


Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.A., 1971, University of Kentucky
    • M.A., 1976, University of Kentucky
    • Ph.D., 1978, University of Kentucky



  • Opioid Treatment Programs and Risks for COVID-19 Infections, Emergency Visits, and Hospitalizations

    Journal of general internal medicine
    1. Ryan Cook
    2. Kendra L. Blalock
    3. Sanae El Ibrahimi
    4. Kimberly Hoffman
    5. Ximena Levander
    6. Kacey Little
    7. Gillian Leichtling
    8. P. Todd Korthuis
    9. Dennis McCarty
  • Oregon’s Emerging Psilocybin Services Workforce

    Journal of psychoactive drugs
    1. Jason B. Luoma
    2. Kimberly Hoffman
    3. Adrianne R. Wilson-Poe
    4. Ximena A. Levander
    5. Alissa Bazinet
    6. Ryan Cook
    7. Dennis McCarty
    8. Kellie Pertl
    9. Sarann Bielavitz
    10. Devin Gregoire
    11. R. Cameron Wolf
    12. Don C. Des Jarlais
    13. Harland V. Harrison
    14. Christopher S. Stauffer
    15. P. Todd Korthuis
  • Addiction severity and re-employment in Sweden among adults with risky alcohol and drug use

    Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment
    1. Stephan R. Lindner
    2. Simone Scarpa
    3. Dennis McCarty
    4. Lena Lundgren
  • Buprenorphine discontinuation in telehealth-only treatment for opioid use disorder

    Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment
    1. Brian Chan
    2. Ryan Cook
    3. Ximena Levander
    4. Katharina Wiest
    5. Kim Hoffman
    6. Kellie Pertl
    7. Ritwika Petluri
    8. Dennis McCarty
    9. P. Todd Korthuis
    10. Stephen A. Martin
  • Developing the Open Psychedelic Evaluation Nexus consensus measures for assessment of supervised psilocybin services

    Journal of Psychopharmacology
    1. Philip Todd Korthuis
    2. Kim Hoffman
    3. Adrianne R. Wilson-Poe
    4. Jason B. Luoma
    5. Alissa Bazinet
    6. Kellie Pertl
    7. David L. Morgan
    8. Ryan R. Cook
    9. Sarann Bielavitz
    10. Renae Myers
    11. Robert Cameron Wolf
    12. Dennis McCarty
    13. Christopher S. Stauffer
  • Effects Of Medicaid Waivers On Use Of Medications For Opioid Use Disorder And Nonfatal Overdoses In 17 States

    Health Affairs
    1. Stephan Lindner
    2. Kyle Hart
    3. Brynna Manibusan
    4. Kirbee A. Johnston
    5. Dennis McCarty
    6. K. John McConnell
  • Engaging the great circle

    Annals of Medicine
    1. Kim A. Hoffman
    2. Chantell Graves
    3. Kelly Rowe
    4. Jennifer Worth
    5. Kellie Pertl
    6. James Laidler
    7. P.  Todd Korthuis
    8. Dennis McCarty
  • Personal Psychedelic Experience as a Training Qualification for Facilitators

    Journal of psychoactive drugs
    1. Ar Wilson-Poe
    2. Ka Hoffman
    3. K. Pertl
    4. Jb Luoma
    5. A. Bazinet
    6. Cs Stauffer
    7. D. McCarty
    8. Pt Korthuis
  • Prescription Opioid Dose Reductions and Potential Adverse Events

    Journal of general internal medicine
    1. Verena E. Metz
    2. G. Thomas Ray
    3. Vanessa Palzes
    4. Ingrid Binswanger
    5. Andrea Altschuler
    6. Ruchir N. Karmali
    7. Brian K. Ahmedani
    8. Susan E. Andrade
    9. Joseph A. Boscarino
    10. Robin E. Clark
    11. Irina V. Haller
    12. Rulin C. Hechter
    13. Douglas W. Roblin
    14. Katherine Sanchez
    15. Steffani R. Bailey
    16. Dennis McCarty
    17. Kari A. Stephens
    18. Carmen L. Rosa
    19. Andrea L. Rubinstein
    20. Cynthia I. Campbell
  • Usability and feasibility of a take-home methadone web-application for opioid treatment program patients

    Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment
    1. Michael Giles
    2. Lucy Reynales
    3. Avinash Jayaraman
    4. Omer Kaplan
    5. Kshitij Verma
    6. Katharina Wiest
    7. Samuel Denney
    8. Cora Hart
    9. Steffani R. Bailey
    10. Dongseok Choi
    11. Kim A. Hoffman
    12. Mark P. McGovern
    13. Dennis McCarty
  • Recruitment challenges for a prospective telehealth cohort study

    Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications
    1. Kellie Pertl
    2. Ritwika Petluri
    3. Katharina Wiest
    4. Kim Hoffman
    5. Dennis McCarty
    6. Ximena A. Levander
    7. Brian Chan
    8. Stephen A. Martin
    9. P. Todd Korthuis
  • State- and County-Level Geographic Variation in Opioid Use Disorder, Medication Treatment, and Opioid-Related Overdose among Medicaid Enrollees

    JAMA Health Forum
    1. Stephan R. Lindner
    2. Kyle Hart
    3. Brynna Manibusan
    4. Dennis McCarty
    5. K. John McConnell
  • Association between treatment setting and outcomes among oregon medicaid patients with opioid use disorder

    Addiction Science and Clinical Practice
    1. Daniel M. Hartung
    2. Sheila Markwardt
    3. Kirbee Johnston
    4. Jonah Geddes
    5. Robin Baker
    6. Gillian Leichtling
    7. Christi Hildebran
    8. Brian Chan
    9. Ryan R. Cook
    10. Dennis McCarty
    11. Udi Ghitza
    12. P. Todd Korthuis
  • Development and implementation of a prescription opioid registry across diverse health systems

    JAMIA Open
    1. G. Thomas Ray
    2. Andrea Altschuler
    3. Ruchir Karmali
    4. Ingrid Binswanger
    5. Jason M. Glanz
    6. Christina L. Clarke
    7. Brian Ahmedani
    8. Susan E. Andrade
    9. Joseph A. Boscarino
    10. Robin E. Clark
    11. Irina V. Haller
    12. Rulin Hechter
    13. Douglas W. Roblin
    14. Katherine Sanchez
    15. Bobbi Jo Yarborough
    16. Steffani R. Bailey
    17. Dennis McCarty
    18. Kari A. Stephens
    19. Carmen L. Rosa
    20. Andrea L. Rubinstein
    21. Cynthia I. Campbell
  • Development and validation of health system performance measures for opioid use disorder in British Columbia, Canada

    Drug and Alcohol Dependence
    1. B. Nosyk
    2. J. E. Min
    3. L. A. Pearce
    4. H. Zhou
    5. F. Homayra
    6. L. Wang
    7. M. Piske
    8. D. McCarty
    9. G. Gardner
    10. W. O'Briain
    11. E. Wood
    12. P. Daly
    13. T. Walsh
    14. B. Henry
  • Differences in the delivery of medications for opioid use disorder during hospitalization by racial categories

    Substance Abuse
    1. Kelsey C. Priest
    2. Caroline A. King
    3. Honora Englander
    4. Travis I. Lovejoy
    5. Dennis McCarty
  • Expanding Inpatient Addiction Consult Services Through Accountable Care Organizations for Medicaid Enrollees

    Journal of addiction medicine
    1. Caroline A. King
    2. Ryan Cook
    3. P. Todd Korthuis
    4. Dennis McCarty
    5. Cynthia D. Morris
    6. Honora Englander
  • Frequency and recency of non-medical opioid use and death due to overdose or suicide among individuals assessed for risky substance use

    Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
    1. Lena Lundgren
    2. Mojgan Padyab
    3. Mikael Sandlund
    4. Dennis McCarty
  • HIV clinic-based extended-release naltrexone versus treatment as usual for people with HIV and opioid use disorder

    1. P. Todd Korthuis
    2. Ryan R. Cook
    3. Paula J. Lum
    4. Elizabeth Needham Waddell
    5. Hansel Tookes
    6. Pamela Vergara-Rodriguez
    7. Lynn E. Kunkel
    8. Gregory M. Lucas
    9. Allan E. Rodriguez
    10. Sarann Bielavitz
    11. Laura C. Fanucchi
    12. Kim A. Hoffman
    13. Ken Bachrach
    14. Elizabeth H. Payne
    15. Julia A. Collins
    16. Abigail Matthews
    17. Neal Oden
    18. Petra Jacobs
    19. Eve Jelstrom
    20. James L. Sorensen
    21. Dennis McCarty
  • Hospital Admission Rate, Cumulative Hospitalized Days, and Time to Admission Among Older Persons With Substance Use and Psychiatric Conditions

    Frontiers in Psychiatry
    1. Wossenseged Birhane Jemberie
    2. Mojgan Padyab
    3. Dennis McCarty
    4. Lena M. Lundgren
  • Introduction to a Special Issue

    Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
    1. Lena Lundgren
    2. Wossenseged Birhane Jemberie
    3. Dennis McCarty
  • Recurrent risk of hospitalization among older people with problematic alcohol use

    1. Wossenseged Birhane Jemberie
    2. Mojgan Padyab
    3. Dennis McCarty
    4. Lena M. Lundgren
  • Treatment retention, return to use, and recovery support following COVID-19 relaxation of methadone take-home dosing in two rural opioid treatment programs

    Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
    1. Kim A. Hoffman
    2. Canyon Foot
    3. Ximena A. Levander
    4. Ryan Cook
    5. Javier Ponce Terashima
    6. John W. McIlveen
    7. P. Todd Korthuis
    8. Dennis McCarty
  • Hospital policies for opioid use disorder treatment

    General Hospital Psychiatry
    1. Kelsey C. Priest
    2. Honora Englander
    3. Dennis McCarty
  • Interim methadone – Effective but underutilized

    Drug and Alcohol Dependence
    1. Dennis McCarty
    2. Brian Chan
    3. Christina Bougatsos
    4. Sara Grusing
    5. Roger Chou