Donna Graville, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (she/her)

  • Associate Professor of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, School of Medicine
  • Associate Professor of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Laryngology, School of Medicine

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • Ph.D., 1997, University of Oregon
    • M.S., 1989, Portland State University
    • B.S., 1985, Portland State University


Elsevier pure profile


  • Use of the G8 Geriatric Screening Tool in Surgical Head and Neck Cancer Patients Requiring Rehabilitation

    Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology
    1. Andrew D. Palmer
    2. Heather Starmer
    3. Nishad Sathe
    4. Theresa Jingyun Yao
    5. Rachel K. Bolognone
    6. Jeffrey Edwards
    7. Carrie Crino
    8. Jennifer Kizner
    9. Donna J. Graville
  • Extreme Sawtooth-Sign in Motor Neuron Disease (MND) suggests Laryngeal Resistance to Forced Expiratory Airflow

    Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology
    1. Deanna Britton
    2. Alexander Kain
    3. Yu Wen Chen
    4. Jack Wiedrick
    5. Joshua O. Benditt
    6. Albert L. Merati
    7. Donna Graville
  • Longitudinal Voice Outcomes and Neoglottic Function After Supracricoid Partial Laryngectomy

    Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology
    1. Andrew D. Palmer
    2. Donna J. Graville
    3. Rachel K. Bolognone
    4. Joseph Gorecki
    5. Suzanne Groth
    6. Jennifer March
    7. Joshua S. Schindler
  • The Association Between Dysphagia Symptoms, DIGEST Scores, and Severity Ratings in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

    1. Mehak Noorani
    2. Rachel K. Bolognone
    3. Donna J. Graville
    4. Andrew D. Palmer
  • Characteristics associated with communicative participation after total laryngectomy

    Journal of Communication Disorders
    1. Kimberly L. Dahl
    2. Rachel K. Bolognone
    3. Jana M. Childes
    4. Rebecca L. Pryor
    5. Donna J. Graville
    6. Andrew D. Palmer
  • Dysphagia in Parkinson's disease patients prior to deep brain stimulation

    Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
    1. Andrew D. Palmer
    2. Sara Charney
    3. Jessica Pietrowski
    4. Shannon Anderson
    5. Deanna Britton
    6. Linda Bryans
    7. Donna J. Graville
  • The impact of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD®) on voice, communication, and participation

    Journal of Communication Disorders
    1. Linda A. Bryans
    2. Andrew D. Palmer
    3. Shannon Anderson
    4. Joshua Schindler
    5. Donna J. Graville
  • The Association between Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion and Dysphonia in Adolescents

    Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica
    1. Nicole M. Fulton
    2. Karen Drake
    3. Jana M. Childes
    4. Aaron Ziegler
    5. Joshua S. Schindler
    6. Donna J. Graville
    7. Andrew D. Palmer
  • The impact of communication impairments on the social relationships of older adults

    Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
    1. Andrew D. Palmer
    2. Paula C. Carder
    3. Diana L. White
    4. Gabrielle Saunders
    5. Hyeyoung Woo
    6. Donna J. Graville
    7. Jason T. Newsom
  • The Safety and Efficacy of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training for Rehabilitation After Supracricoid Partial Laryngectomy

    Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology
    1. Andrew D. Palmer
    2. Rachel K. Bolognone
    3. Skipp Thomsen
    4. Deanna Britton
    5. Joshua Schindler
    6. Donna J. Graville
  • Long-term functional and quality-of-life outcomes after transoral robotic surgery in patients with oropharyngeal cancer

    JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
    1. Virginie Achim
    2. Rachel K. Bolognone
    3. Andrew D. Palmer
    4. Donna J. Graville
    5. Tyler J. Light
    6. Ryan Li
    7. Neil Gross
    8. Peter E. Andersen
    9. Daniel Clayburgh
  • A randomized controlled trial of corticosteroids for pain after transoral robotic surgery

    1. Daniel Clayburgh
    2. Will Stott
    3. Rachel Bolognone
    4. Andrew Palmer
    5. Virginie Achim
    6. Scott Troob
    7. Ryan Li
    8. Daniel Brickman
    9. Donna Graville
    10. Peter Andersen
    11. Neil D. Gross
  • Functional outcomes and quality of life after total laryngectomy with noncircumferential radial forearm free tissue transfer

    Head and Neck
    1. Donna J. Graville
    2. Andrew D. Palmer
    3. Christine M. Chambers
    4. Lauren Ottenstein
    5. Breanne Whalen
    6. Peter E. Andersen
    7. Mark K. Wax
    8. James I. Cohen
  • The use of technology for phone and face-to-face communication after total laryngectomy

    American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
    1. Jana Childes
    2. Andrew D. Palmer
    3. Melanie Fried-Oken
    4. Donna J. Graville
  • Factors associated with supracricoid laryngectomy functional outcomes

    Head and Neck
    1. Daniel R. Clayburgh
    2. Donna J. Graville
    3. Andrew D. Palmer
    4. Joshua S. Schindler
  • Determining the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the activalve

    1. Donna J. Graville
    2. Andrew D. Palmer
    3. Peter E. Andersen
    4. James I. Cohen
  • Acoustic parameters that identify listeners' perceptions of good near-total laryngectomy voice

    Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology
    1. Donna J. Graville
    2. James I. Cohen
    3. Marie T. Rau
  • The long-term indwelling tracheoesophageal prosthesis for alaryngeal voice rehabilitation

    Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
    1. Donna Graville
    2. Neil Gross
    3. Peter Andersen
    4. Edwin Everts
    5. James Cohen