Headshot photo of Emily K. Myers, M.D.

Emily K. Myers, M.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, School of Medicine


For Dr. Emily Myers, practicing as a family doctor is a perfect blend of heart and mind. She chose family medicine as a specialty since she loves variety and building relationships with patients over time. These connections allow her to work with her patients, and together, enhance their health and well-being.

Dr. Myers sees patients of all ages in her practice and feels fortunate to work in a federally qualified health care clinic. It serves a diverse patient population with multidisciplinary and innovative teams dedicated to improving the health of the community.

The daughter of a dairy veterinarian, Dr. Myers grew up in Madison, Wisconsin. In college, she majored in history while continuing coursework in the sciences. She discovered she could combine her desire to serve people with her love of science by pursuing a career in medicine.

Outside of work, you can find Dr. Myers trying to keep up with her husband and son, who are avid runners; trying new recipes, and eating with friends and family. She also likes snuggling with her pets, curling up with a good book, working the Sunday crossword, and traveling near and far.

Education and training

    • M.D., 1997, University of California - San Francisco
  • Residency

    • University of California Davis, 2001
  • Certifications

    • American Board of Family Medicine 2001, 2008

Memberships and associations:

  • American Academy of Family Physicians


Elsevier pure profile


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