Hannah Jaeger

  • Current Program Year: MS1
  • M.D./Ph.D. Program Students, School of Medicine


Research interests: Viral pathogenesis and global health

Clinical interests: Infectious disease, OB/GYN, or internal medicine

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.S., 2018, University of Idaho
  • Internship

    • NIH Post-baccalaureate IRTA program, 2021
  • Fellowship

    • Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, SURF Program, University of Idaho, 2018


Selected publications

  • Brown RM, Rana PSJB, Jaeger HK, O’Dowd JM, Balemba OB, Fortunato EA. 2019. Humancytomegalovirus compromises development of cerebral organoids. J Virol 2019
  • Man I Kuan, Hannah K. Jaeger, Balemba OB, O'Dowd JM, Duricka D, Hannemann H, Marx E,Teissier N, Gabrielli L, Bonasoni MP, Keithley EM, Fortunato EA. Human CytomegalovirusInteractions with the Basement Membrane Protein Nidogen 1 J Virol Jan 2021
  • Prabha Shrestha, David A. Davis, Hannah K. Jaeger, Alexandra Stream, Ashley I. Aisabor,Robert Yarchoan. Pomalidomide restores immune recognition of primary effusion lymphomathrough upregulation of ICAM-1 and B7-2. PLOS Pathogens Jan 2021
  • Davis DA, Bulut H, Shrestha P, Yaparla A, Jaeger HK, Hattori SI, Wingfield P, Mitsuya H,Yarchoan R. Regulation of the Dimerization and Activity of SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease throughReversible Glutathionylation of Cysteine 300 MBio 2021


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