Headshot photo of Áine Huntington, M.P.H.<span class="profile__pronouns"> (she/her)</span>

Áine Huntington, M.P.H. (she/her)

  • Biostatistician, Center for Health Systems Effectiveness, School of Medicine


Prior to joining CHSE, Áine Huntington interned for the Oregon Health Authority as a Public Health Preparedness Planner while completing her M.P.H. in epidemiology at the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. After completing her degree, she joined the School as a data analyst researching the intergenerational effects of employment quality on health. Áine’s research is driven by the desire to  address social determinants of health and support greater health equity.

Education and training

    • M.P.H., 2023, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
