Jason I. Chen, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine
- Associate Faculty, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program, School of Medicine
Jason I. Chen, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Faculty in the Clinical Psychology PhD Program at OHSU. Dr. Chen also serves as a Core Investigator at the VA HSR Center to Improve Veteran Involvement in Care (CIVIC). Dr. Chen’s research lab, the Connecting Communities for Suicide Prevention Lab (CCSP), studies suicide prevention for high-risk populations with a focus on military veterans, community-based approaches, and help-seeking processes. Clinically, Dr. Chen provides supervision on suicide-specific interventions and adapting evidence-based psychotherapies to acute care and non-traditional settings.
Education and training
- B.A., 2007, Vassar College
- M.A., 2013, University of South Florida
- Ph.D., 2016, University of South Florida
- Eastern Colorado Health Care System, Denver VA Medical Center
- VA Health Systems Research Advanced Research Fellowship, VA HSR Center to Improve Veteran Involvement in Care (CIVIC), VA Portland Health Care System
Areas of interest
- Suicide Risk Assessment and Management
- Intervention and Prevention Programming Development
- Treatment-Seeking Behaviors and Mental Health Promotion
Adapting the Zero Suicide framework to the adult emergency department setting
Archives of psychiatric nursingCounty Characteristics and Veteran Suicide in the United States, 2011–2018
American journal of preventive medicinePsychotherapist perceptions of engagement-building behaviours with youth clients across developmental levels
Clinical Psychology and PsychotherapyRisk of Suicide-Related Outcomes After SARS-COV-2 Infection
Journal of general internal medicineSuicide risk profiles among service members and veterans exposed to suicide
Journal of clinical psychologyFactors associated with a lack of health care utilization among Veterans after a positive suicide screen in the emergency department
Academic Emergency MedicineInactivation of High-Risk Flags for Suicide in the Veterans Health Administration
Psychological ServicesResearch and policy recommendations from the SOTA XVI
Academic Emergency MedicineSelf-Directed Violence Surveillance in the Veterans Health Administration
Community mental health journalVeteran suicide and associated community characteristics in Oregon
Preventive medicineA Peer-to-Peer Suicide Prevention Workshop for Medical Students
MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resourcesHospital Readmissions Among Veterans Within 90 Days of Discharge Following Initial Hospitalization for COVID-19
Preventing Chronic DiseasePsychiatric disorders newly diagnosed among veterans subsequent to hospitalization for COVID-19
Psychiatry ResearchThose left behind
Death StudiesUnder the Surface
School Mental HealthVeteran Community Engagement and Social Connection Needs Following Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalization
Psychiatric Rehabilitation JournalAssessment of Suicidal Intent in Self-directed Violence and Subsequent Care Received among Military Veterans
Medical careDeaths of Despair
Cognitive and Behavioral PracticeFrom Screening to Interventions
Academic PsychiatryRisk of Suicidal Self-directed Violence among US Veteran Survivors of Head and Neck Cancer
JAMA Otolaryngology - Head and Neck SurgerySuicide Screening and Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department
Journal of Emergency NursingAn Examination of the Psychometric Properties of the Reasons for Living Inventory within a Male Veteran Clinical Sample
Archives of Suicide ResearchExamining the effects of role play practice in enhancing clinical skills to assess and manage suicide risk
Journal of Mental HealthSocial connectedness, depression symptoms, and health service utilization
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric EpidemiologyEvaluation of the Safety and Design of Community Internet Resources for Veteran Suicide Prevention
CrisisFrustration with feeling
Psychiatry Research