Headshot photo of Jennifer N. Stahl, M.D.

Jennifer N. Stahl, M.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, School of Medicine


Dr. Stahl specializes in caring for newborns in the hospital, ranging from the nursery to the neonatal intensive care unit. She works closely with parents to support the bond with their baby as a critical component of infant care. Dr. Stahl also performs developmental and behavioral screenings for babies leaving the NICU to identify and meet any special needs they may have in early childhood.

Dr. Stahl lives in Portland with her husband, two daughters, a labradoodle named Willow and three chickens. Her kids keep her busy with jiu jitsu, swim and basketball, and her hobbies include gardening, hiking and traveling.

Education and training

    • M.D., 2001, University of Southern California School of Medicine
  • Residency

    • Pediatrics, University of California at Irvine, 2004
  • Certifications

    • American Board of Pediatrics, 2004

Memberships and associations:

  • American Academy of Pediatrics


Elsevier pure profile


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