Education and training
- B.S., 2005, Eastern Kentucky University
- B.S.N., 2010, Eastern Kentucky University
- D.N.P., 2021, University of Kentucky
- Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified, ANCC
- ACLS, American Heart Association
- BLS, American Heart Association
Elsevier pure profile
Coronary artery remodeling in a model of left ventricular pressure overload is influenced by platelets and inflammatory cells
PloS one - Fanmuyi Yang
- Anping Dong
- Paul Mueller
- Jessica Caicedo
- Alyssa Moore Sutton
- Juliana Odetunde
- Cordelia J. Barrick
- Yuri M. Klyachkin
- Ahmed Abdel-Latif
- Susan S. Smyth
Enhanced platelet reactivity and thrombosis in Apoe-/- mice exposed to cigarette smoke is attenuated by P2Y12 antagonism
Thrombosis research - Anping Dong
- Jessica Caicedo
- Sung Gu Han
- Paul Mueller
- Sibu Saha
- Susan S. Smyth
- C. Gary Gairola
High levels of seed inviability among seven populations of the endangered Short's goldenrod (Solidago shortii: Asteraceae)
SIDA, Contributions to Botany - Patrick J. Calie
- Christina Shackleford
- Robert F.C. Naczi
- Jessica Caicedo