Headshot photo of John G. Hunter, M.D., FACS

John G. Hunter, M.D., FACS

  • Professor of Surgery, School of Medicine
  • Executive Vice President, OHSU
  • Chief Executive Officer, OHSU Health System
  • Member, Hernia & Abdominal Wall Center (HAWC), School of Medicine


John G. Hunter, M.D., FACS, is executive vice president of OHSU and CEO of OHSU Health. Prior to assuming these roles, Dr. Hunter was chief clinical officer for OHSU and served as interim dean for the School of Medicine. From 2001 until he was appointed interim dean, Dr. Hunter served as Mackenzie Professor and Chair of the OHSU Department of Surgery.

A recognized expert in his field, Dr. Hunter also commands a big-picture perspective. He has spent his career pushing the frontiers of medicine, including collaborating with community hospitals around the state to expose OHSU faculty and students to the complexities and rewards of community health care, offer enrichment opportunities to community-based physicians, and expand services for patients. His team's outreach work has become one of several grassroots models for the formal partnerships OHSU is now pursuing.

Outside OHSU, Dr. Hunter's service in the surgery profession is extensive. He has served as chair of the American Board of Surgery – the national certification organization for surgeons. In addition to this leadership role, he is a member of the following associations: American College of Surgeons, American Surgical Association, International Society of Surgery, Pacific Coast Surgical Association, Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, and Society of Clinical Surgeons.

Education and training

    • M.D., 1981, University of Pennsylvania
  • Residency

    • General Surgery, University of Utah, 1987
  • Fellowship

    • Laser and Endoscopic Surgery, University of Utah, 1984
    • Pancreaticobiliary Endoscopic Surgery, University of Western Ontario, Canada, 1988
    • Endoscopic Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 1988
  • Certifications

    • American Board of Surgery 1988, recertified 1997, 2006

Memberships and associations:

  • American Board of Surgery


Elsevier pure profile


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