Headshot photo of Kathlynn S. Northrup-Snyder, R.N., Ph.D.

Kathlynn S. Northrup-Snyder, R.N., Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor, School of Nursing


Kathlynn Northrup-Snyder provides nursing education in the R.N. to B.S. program at OHSU and has taught in the graduate program.   She is part of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers and is passionate about teaching Motivational Interviewing and facilitating effective behavior change for clients.  Her expertise in public/community health and health promotion facilitates online and classroom learning experiences that have practical value.

As a consultant, Dr. Northrup-Snyder has a distinctive ability to target programs to individual groups, health care professionals, teachers, and organizations/communities. Her programs are designed to translate lifestyle issues, health promotion concepts, and behavior change practice into useful and effective action. By providing concrete and effective tools to maximize client-provider interactions, to improve health concepts in schools, and address personal health needs, staggering health issues can be effectively reduced. Kathlynn connects with her audience in any setting because her background as faculty & presenter and her passion for health promotion produces a quality speaker on a range of topics. Kathlynn’s clinical nurse specialist practice enhances her ability to visualize and shift between details and the larger picture. Additionally,  her expertise in community health, health promotion and research guarantees a consultant who will facilitate health promotion approaches for your organization/community.

Education and training

    • B.S.N., 1980, Idaho State University
    • M.S.N., 1994, University of Alabama at Birmingham
    • Ph.D., 2002, Oregon State University



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