Headshot photo of Kristi Linnea Tonning, Ph.D., R.T.(T)

Kristi Linnea Tonning, Ph.D., R.T.(T)

  • Associate Professor of Radiation Therapy Program, School of Medicine
  • Associate Professor, Academic Affairs
  • Associate Professor of Radiation Medicine, School of Medicine
  • Director, Radiation Therapy Program, School of Medicine


Kristi Tonning, Ph.D., is the Director of the Radiation Therapy Program and associate professor. She graduated from OHSU in 2001 and moved to Stavanger, Norway until she returned to the Pacific NW and joined the OHSU faculty in July 2015.

Dr. Tonning’s interest in patient education and virtual reality is the basis of her current and ongoing research. Notably, in 2016 Dr. Tonning oversaw the installation and curricular implementation of the Virtual Environment for Radiation Therapy Training (VERT) for student education at OHSU. She later led the development and implementation of a patient education project, bringing virtual reality patient education to the Tuality/OHSU Cancer Center and to patients attending the annual Northwest Sarcoma Foundation Patient Education Conference. Dr. Tonning also has a passion for youth outreach and provides hands-on educational sessions for programs such as On Track OHSU!, Discovery Careers, Knight Scholars Programs, CURE Program and Equity Research Program, to introduce youths to healthcare opportunities.

Nationally, Dr. Tonning serves on multiple American Society for Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) committees, ROECSG Patient Education Working Group, Advance Practice in Radiation Therapy (APRT) Working Group and as a Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) site visitor.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.S., 2001, Oregon Health & Science University
    • M.S., 2009, University of Stavanger, Norway
    • Ph.D., 2021, Pacific University, Oregon
  • Certifications

    • The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) - R.T.(T)
    • Oregon Board of Medical Imaging (OBMI) - Practice of Radiation Therapy

Memberships and associations:

  • American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT)
  • Oregon Society of Radiologic Technologists (OSRT)

Areas of interest

  • Patient education, radiation therapy, interprofessional education (IPE), change management
  • Virtual Reality in Radiation Oncology

Honors and awards

  • Provost Award for Excellence in Program Assessment 2023: Radiation Therapy Program
  • Provost Award for Scholarship in Assessment 2023: Radiation Therapy Program
  • Faculty Senate Distinguished Faculty Award for Outstanding Service - 2022
  • Provost Award for Transparency in Assessment 2022: Radiation Therapy Program
  • Provost Award for Excellence in Program Assessment 2020: Radiation Therapy Program
  • Provost Award for Stakeholder and Data Engagement 2020: Radiation Therapy Program


Selected publications

  • Jones, T., Stilp, C., Driessnack, M., Austin, J., Tonning, K., Bearden, D., Taylor, C., Brown, L. & Carney, P. (2021). Development of a Longitudinal Curricular Evaluation Framework for Intra- and Interprofessional Teamwork. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education11(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.22230/jripe.2021v11n1a325
  • Tonning, K, Thompson, M. (2021) Chapter 3: Patient Assessment,  Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy 5e, Washington, Leaver, Trad, Elsevier (Textbook)
  • Tonning, K. L. (2021). The effectiveness of patient education practices in increasing knowledge and reducing anxiety related to radiation therapy. Pacific University, Doctoral dissertation. 
  • Driessnack, M., Stilp, C. C., Gedney Baggs, J., Austin, J. P., Tonning, K., & Boyd, J. (2018). Economic models for sustainable interprofessional education. Journal of interprofessional care, 32(6), 745–751. https://doi.org/10.1080/13561820.2018.1509846
  • Posters:
  • Tonning, K. (2019). The Effectiveness of Patient Education in Reducing Anxiety and Increasing Comprehension for Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy. Pacific University Interprofessional Education Conference
  • Stilp, C, Austin, J, Tonning, K., Driessnack, M, Bearden, D, Tucker, C. , Taylor, C, Carney, P (2019)  Measuring Stages of Inter- and Intra-professional Competency Development in Health Professions Education. Oregon Health & Science University Symposium on Educational Excellence.
  • Tonning, K., Thompson, M. (2018) Students as Teacher and Patients as Learners: Pathway of the Integration of a 3-D Virtual Simulation into Program Curriculum and to Patient Education.  (3rd place poster at Oregon Health & Science University Symposium on Educational Excellence)
  • Tonning, K. (2018) Targeted Radiation Therapy Patient Education Session, Utilizing 3-D Simulation to decrease Patient Anxiety and Increase Compliance. Pacific University Interprofessional Education Conference.