Laura Iwasaki, D.D.S., Ph.D., M.S.c.

  • Professor of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry
  • Chair, Department of Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, School of Dentistry

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • D.D.S., 1983, University of Alberta
    • M.Sc., 1987, University of Manitoba
    • Ph.D., 1992, University of Manitoba
  • Residency

    • General Practice Residency (Dentistry), Vancouver General Hospital/University of British Columbia
  • Certifications

    • Certificate in Orthodontics, University of Manitoba

Areas of interest

  • Orthodontic tooth movement
  • Craniofacial growth
  • Temporomandibular joint growth and degeneration



  • Mechanics- and Behavior-Related Temporomandibular Joint Differences

    Journal of dental research
    1. Jeffrey Nickel
    2. Y. M. Gonzalez
    3. Y. Liu
    4. H. Liu
    5. L. M. Gallo
    6. L. R. Iwasaki
  • Orthognathic surgery effects on temporomandibular joint compressive stresses

    Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research
    1. Taylor E. Glovsky
    2. Laura R. Iwasaki
    3. Ying Wu
    4. Hongzeng Liu
    5. Ying Liu
    6. Saulo L. Sousa Melo
    7. Jeffrey C. Nickel
  • Outcome assessment of orthodontic clear aligner vs fixed appliance treatment in adolescents with moderate to severe malocclusions

    Angle Orthodontist
    1. Byron Chou
    2. Jeffrey C. Nickel
    3. Dongseok Choi
    4. Judah S. Garfinkle
    5. Howard M. Freedman
    6. Laura R. Iwasaki
  • A theoretical analysis of longitudinal temporomandibular joint compressive stresses and mandibular growth

    Angle Orthodontist
    1. Riddhi J. Desai
    2. Laura R. Iwasaki
    3. Sohyon M. Kim
    4. Hongzeng Liu
    5. Ying Liu
    6. Jeffrey C. Nickel
  • Chronic Pain–Related Jaw Muscle Motor Load and Sensory Processing

    Journal of dental research
    1. J. C. Nickel
    2. Y. M. Gonzalez
    3. Y. Wu
    4. Y. Liu
    5. H. Liu
    6. L. R. Iwasaki
  • Expert consensus on Didactic Clinical Skills Development for orthodontic curricula

    Journal of dental education
    1. Vesna Lea S. Ferrer
    2. Christopher Van Ness
    3. Laura R. Iwasaki
    4. Jeffrey C. Nickel
    5. Shankar Rengasamy Venugopalan
    6. Cynthia C. Gadbury-Amyot
  • Mechanobehavior and mandibular ramus length in different facial phenotypes

    Angle Orthodontist
    1. Paige Covington Riddle
    2. Jeffrey C. Nickel
    3. Ying Liu
    4. Yoly M. Gonzalez
    5. Luigi M. Gallo
    6. R. Scott Conley
    7. Robert Dunford
    8. Hongzeng Liu
    9. Laura R. Iwasaki
  • Opinions, plans, and demographics of orthodontic residents

    American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
    1. Amelia C. Stoker
    2. Eli Schwarz
    3. Larry Doyle
    4. Laura R. Iwasaki
  • Effect of Sustained Joint Loading on TMJ Disc Nutrient Environment

    Journal of dental research
    1. Y. Wu
    2. S. E. Cisewski
    3. M. C. Coombs
    4. M. H. Brown
    5. F. Wei
    6. X. She
    7. M. J. Kern
    8. Y. M. Gonzalez
    9. L. M. Gallo
    10. V. Colombo
    11. L. R. Iwasaki
    12. J. C. Nickel
    13. H. Yao
  • Expert consensus on growth and development curricula for predoctoral and advanced education orthodontic programs

    Journal of dental education
    1. Vesna Lea S. Ferrer
    2. Christopher Van Ness
    3. Laura R. Iwasaki
    4. Cynthia C. Gadbury-Amyot
  • Night-time autonomic nervous system ultradian cycling and masticatory muscle activity

    Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research
    1. Laura R. Iwasaki
    2. Luigi M. Gallo
    3. Michala Markova
    4. Stefan Erni
    5. Hongzeng Liu
    6. Jeff C. Nickel
  • Gender differences in the association of periodontitis and type 2 diabetes

    International dental journal
    1. Ying Liu
    2. Yang Yu
    3. Jeffrey C. Nickel
    4. Laura R. Iwasaki
    5. Peipei Duan
    6. Melanie Simmer-Beck
    7. Laura Brown
  • Jaw closing movement and sex differences in temporomandibular joint energy densities

    Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
    1. L. M. Gallo
    2. N. Fankhauser
    3. Y. M. Gonzalez
    4. H. Liu
    5. Y. Liu
    6. J. C. Nickel
    7. L. R. Iwasaki
  • Psychosocial scores and jaw muscle activity in women

    Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache
    1. Yoly M. Gonzalez
    2. Jeffrey C. Nickel
    3. Jo Anna M. Scott
    4. Hongzeng Liu
    5. Laura R. Iwasaki
  • A pilot study of nocturnal temporalis muscle activity in TMD diagnostic groups of women

    Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
    1. F. Wei
    2. M. H. Van Horn
    3. M. C. Coombs
    4. X. She
    5. T. S. Gonzales
    6. Y. M. Gonzalez
    7. J. M. Scott
    8. L. R. Iwasaki
    9. J. C. Nickel
    10. H. Yao
  • Disposable aptamer-sensor aided by magnetic nanoparticle enrichment for detection of salivary cortisol variations in obstructive sleep apnea patients

    Scientific Reports
    1. Renny Edwin Fernandez
    2. Yogeswaran Umasankar
    3. Pandiaraj Manickam
    4. Jeffrey C. Nickel
    5. Laura R. Iwasaki
    6. Burt K. Kawamoto
    7. Kristen C. Todoki
    8. Jo Anna M. Scott
    9. Shekhar Bhansali
  • Fluid pressurization and tractional forces during TMJ disc loading

    Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research
    1. Y. Wu
    2. S. E. Cisewski
    3. F. Wei
    4. X. She
    5. T. S. Gonzales
    6. L. R. Iwasaki
    7. J. C. Nickel
    8. H. Yao
  • Jaw mechanics in dolichofacial and brachyfacial phenotypes

    Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research
    1. L. R. Iwasaki
    2. Y. Liu
    3. H. Liu
    4. J. C. Nickel
  • Mechanobehavioral Scores in Women with and without TMJ Disc Displacement

    Journal of dental research
    1. L. R. Iwasaki
    2. Y. M. Gonzalez
    3. Y. Liu
    4. H. Liu
    5. M. Markova
    6. L. M. Gallo
    7. J. C. Nickel
  • Mechanobehaviour in dolichofacial and brachyfacial adolescents

    Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research
    1. J. C. Nickel
    2. A. L. Weber
    3. P. Covington Riddle
    4. Y. Liu
    5. H. Liu
    6. L. R. Iwasaki
  • Preface to COAST 2016 innovators’ workshop on personalized and precision orthodontic therapy

    Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research
    1. J. C. Nickel
    2. D. A. Covell
    3. S. A. Frazier-Bowers
    4. S. Kapila
    5. S. S. Huja
    6. L. R. Iwasaki
  • Self-reported health and behavioral factors are associated with metabolic syndrome in Americans aged 40 and over

    Preventive Medicine Reports
    1. Ying Liu
    2. Ifeoma D. Ozodiegwu
    3. Jeffrey C. Nickel
    4. Kesheng Wang
    5. Laura R. Iwasaki
  • Speed of human tooth movement in growers and non-growers

    Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research
    1. L. R. Iwasaki
    2. Y. Liu
    3. H. Liu
    4. J. C. Nickel