Headshot photo of Leah Bjornskov Wessenberg, FNP, M.N.

Leah Bjornskov Wessenberg, FNP, M.N.

  • Instructor of Molecular and Medical Genetics, School of Medicine


Leah is a family nurse practitioner who works with children and adults in the metabolic genetics clinic. She chose to work in metabolic genetics because she enjoys the opportunity to care for patients throughout the lifespan with rare conditions. Prior to joining the metabolic genetics team in 2018, Leah worked with adults and children as a primary care provider for over a decade. She values the relationships she develops with patients and their families, and enjoys helping people live well and meet their health goals.

Outside of work, Leah and her her husband (a physical therapist) enjoy spending time with their two young daughters and Twilight, their corgi. She is a busy soccer/gymnastics/swimming mom who enjoys an early morning jog, a hot cup of coffee, trips to the Oregon coast and adventurous family vacations.

Education and training

    • B.A., 2001, Scripps College
    • F.N.P., 2003, Case Western Reserve University
    • M.N., 2008, Oregon Health Sciences University
  • Certifications

    • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (renewed every 5 years)

Memberships and associations:

  • Society for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (SIMD)

Areas of interest

  • Inborn errors of metabolism
  • Newborn screening
  • PKU



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