Headshot photo of Lindsey Seimears, M.S.N., RN<span class="profile__pronouns"> (she/her)</span>

Lindsey Seimears, M.S.N., RN (she/her)


Lindsey Seimears is an instructor at OHSU's School of Nursing in the online RN to BS undergraduate degree program

Throughout my 18-year nursing career, I've had the privilege of serving in various specialized fields. It all began in labor and delivery, where I witnessed the profound moments of bringing new life into the world. Over time, my journey led me to explore diverse specialties including IV Therapy, Pre/Post, Cardiology, Nursing Management/Leadership, and Nursing Education.

Driven by a passion for Ethics/Leadership, mental health nursing, and shaping the next generation of nurses, I've dedicated myself to advocating for both patients and fellow nurses. I believe in empowering nurses to embrace leadership roles and advocate for themselves and their patients, fostering a culture of excellence in healthcare delivery.

Education and training

    • B.S.N., 2005, Newman University
    • M.S.N., 2022, Fort Hays State University

Areas of interest

  • Diet and Nutrition, Evidence-Based Practice, Nursing Leadership, Online teaching and learning, Mental Health, Ethics in healthcare



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