Headshot photo of Manideep Chavali, Ph.D.

Manideep Chavali, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine
  • First Tech Federal Credit Union Distinguished Scholar in Pediatrics Innovation


Dr. Manideep Chavali is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and the Papé Family Pediatric Research Institute. His lab is interested in understanding cellular and molecular mechanisms of myelination and how they are disrupted in neurological injuries and neurodegeneration. Manideep was previously a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. David Rowitch at the University of California, San Francisco in the Department of Regeneration Medicine, and the Newborn Brain Research Institute from 2016-2022. His research at UCSF focused on understanding how oligodendrocyte progenitor cells orchestrate white matter angiogenesis during CNS development and how this process is altered in neonatal brain injuries associated with preterm birth and congenital heart disease. He received his Ph.D. from Stony Brook University in 2016 and obtained his Bachelor’s degree from National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India in 2009.

Education and training

    • B.S., 2009, National Institute of Technology
    • M.S., 2012, Stony Brook University
    • Ph.D., 2016, Stony Brook University

Areas of interest

  • Glial-Vascular and Neuron-Glial Interactions During CNS Development
  • Injury and Disease

Honors and awards

  • NIH/NINDS K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award, 2020
  • Early Career Development Award, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation, 2018
  • Congenital Heart Defect Research Award, The Children’s Heart Foundation, 2018
  • American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2017


Selected publications

  • M Chavali, MJ Uolla-Navas, P Pérez-Borredá, JMG Verdugo, PS McQuillen, EJ Huang and DH Rowitch (2020). Wnt-Dependent Oligodendroglial-Endothelial Interactions Regulate White Matter Vascularization and Attenuate Injury. Neuron 108, 1-16.
  • M Chavali, M Klingener, AG Kokkosis, Y Garkun, S Felong, A Maffei, A Aguirre (2018) Non-Canonical Wnt Signaling Regulates Neural Stem Cell Quiescence During Homeostasis and After Demyelination.  Nature Communications 9 p 36.
  • D Velmeshev, M Chavali, T Nowakowski, M Bhade, S Mayer, N Goyal, B Alvarado, WRM Leon, S Wang, M Speir, M Haeussler, DH Rowitch, A Alvarez-Buylla, E Huang, M Paredes and A Kriegstein. Molecular Diversity and Lineage Commitment of Human Interneuron Progenitors. Submitted; BioRxiv 2021.05.13.444045.
  • V Nguyen, M Chavali, A Larpthaveesarp, S Kodali, G Gonzalez, R Franklin, DH Rowitch and F Gonzalez (2021). Sonic Hedgehog Pathway Agonist SAG is Neuroprotective in Neonatal Stroke. Pediatric Research s41390-021-01408-7
  • H Nobuta, N Yang, Yi-Han Ng, S Marro, M Chavali, J Stockley, D Killilea, P Walter, C Zhao, P Huie, S Goldman, A Kriegstein, R Franklin, DH Rowitch, M Wernig (2019). Oligodendrocyte Death in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease is Rescued by Iron Chelation. Cell Stem Cell Vol. 25, 4, p531–541.
  • JK Ellis, SF Sorrells, S Mikhailova, M Chavali, S Chang, K Sabeur, P McQuillen, DH Rowitch (2019) Ferret Brain Possesses Young Interneuron Collections Equivalent to Human Postnatal Migratory Streams.  Journal of Comparative Neurology 10.1002/cne.24711.
  • F Birey, M Kloc, M Chavali, I Hussein, M Wilson, DJ Christoffel, T Chen, MA Frohman, JK Robinson, SJ Russo, A Maffei and A Aguirre (2015) Genetic and Stress-Induced Loss of NG2 Glia Triggers Emergence of Depressive-like Behaviors through Reduced Secretion of FGF2. Neuron 88, 941–956.


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