Headshot photo of Matthew Dunn, D.N.P., A.G.A.C.N.P

Matthew Dunn, D.N.P., A.G.A.C.N.P

  • Instructor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine


Matt Dunn is an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. His training and practice have been in both Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Medicine. Prior to nursing, he obtained bachelor's degrees in biology and psychology and worked in clinical research. He then went to Linfield College and earned a BSN. He completed his master’s and doctorate at the University of Arizona. He then completed a post-graduate fellowship at the Mayo Clinic and served as an associate program director where he helped create ultrasound and simulation curriculum. This was an incredible opportunity, but after four winters in Minnesota he decided it was time to come back home to Oregon. Outside of all this, he is involved in Search and Rescue, holds wilderness medicine certifications, and is currently completing a fellowship in wilderness medicine.



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