Nancy L. Haigwood, Ph.D.

  • Professor, Oregon National Primate Research Center
  • Molecular Microbiology and Immunology Graduate Program, School of Medicine
  • Program in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, School of Medicine


Following completion of her postdoctoral training, Dr. Haigwood spent 17 years in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector, principally at Chiron Corporation (Novartis) in Emeryville, California, and at the Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute in Seattle, Washington.  From 1994-2007, she was a Professor of Microbiology and Pathobiology at the University of Washington and Member at the Center for Infectious Disease Research, both in Seattle. Since 1986, her research has been primarily on HIV and AIDS using nonhuman primate models, with a focus on vaccine discovery and the use of HIV neutralizing antibodies to treat infants exposed to HIV. She was recruited to OHSU in 2007 to become the fifth director of the Oregon National Primate Research Center and a Professor of Pathobiology & Immunology, where she served 15 years and continues to lead a highly funded research program. Dr. Haigwood served for many years as a volunteer board member for the local AIDS service organization in Portland, the Cascade AIDS Project. She is an advocate for science education and outreach to the public and serves as the steering committee chair for the U.S. Animal Research Openness Initiative.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • Ph.D., 1980, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Fellowship

    • Postdoctoral fellowship, Johns Hopkins University, 1979-1981

Memberships and associations:

  • American Society for Microbiology
  • American Association of Immunologists
  • International AIDS Society
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Virology 2000-2016
  • Editorial Board, AIDS, 2009-10 and 2016-present
  • Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council, 2002-2005
  • US-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program (AIDS panel); retired U.S. Chairman, 2003-10
  • Board of Scientific Counselors, NCI, NIH 2006-2008
  • Scientific Advisory Committee, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, 2007-2012
  • NIH Council of Councils, 2013-2015
  • National Association for Biomedical Research, Executive Board 2013-2016
  • Board of Scientific Counselors, Vaccine Research Center, NIAID, NIH 2011-2021
  • Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation Oregon, 2017-present
  • U.S. Animal Research Openness Initiative, Chairman, 2020-present
  • Oregon Health & Science University Foundation Board of Trustees, 2023-present
  • American Society for Microbiology Council on Microbial Sciences (COMS), 2023-2027

Areas of interest

  • HIV and AIDS
  • SARS Coronavirus-2
  • Transmission of HIV to children (perinatal transmission)
  • Nonhuman primate models for human disease
  • Antibody-based therapies for infectious diseases
  • Viral vaccines
  • Viral pathogenesis and immunity

Honors and awards

  • Bachelor of Science with Honors in Zoology, 1973
  • Alpha Epsilon Delta honor society
  • Irene F. Lee Award, UNC Outstanding Senior Woman, 1973
  • Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology, 2014
  • Australasian Society for Immunology Visiting Speaker, 2017
  • Cascade AIDS Project 2017 Action Award in recognition of outstanding volunteer service to this AIDS service organization
  • The Buster & Nancy D. Alvord Award to Dr. Nancy L. Haigwood and the U.S. Animal Research Openness Initiative, Northwest Association for Biomedical Research, September 22, 2022
  • Cascade AIDS Project 2022 “Hero of HIV” individual award


Selected publications

  •     Steimer, KS, CJ Scandella, PV Skiles, and NL Haigwood (1991) Neutralization of divergent HIV-1 isolates by conformation-dependent human antibodies to gp120.  Science 254:105-108.
  •     Igarashi T, C Brown, A Azadegan, N Haigwood, M Martin, and R Shibata. (1999) Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 neutralizing antibodies facilitate clearance of cell-free virions from blood plasma. Nature Medicine 5:211-216.
  •     Ng CT, Jaworski JP, Jayaraman P, Sutton WF, Delio P, Kuller L, Anderson D, Landucci G, Richardson BA, Burton DR, Forthal DN, Haigwood NL (2010) Passive neutralizing antibody controls SHIV viremia and enhances B cell responses in infant macaques. Nature Medicine 16(10):1117-9.
  •     JP Jaworski, Z Brower, EJ Leon, DC Malherbe, G Landucci, WF Sutton, B Guo, F Engelmann, B Zheng, A Legasse, B Park, M Dickerson, AD Lewis, LMA Colgin, M Axthelm, I Messaoudi, J Kobie, JB Sacha, DR Burton, DN Forthal, AJ Hessell, and NL Haigwood (2013) Passive neutralizing antibodies alter the dynamics of infection and enhance survival of SHIVSF162P3-infected infant rhesus macaques, J Virol 87: 10447-59.
  •     Krebs, SJ, SP McBurney, DN Kovarik, CD Waddell, JP Jaworski, WF Sutton, MM Gomes, M Trovato, G Waagmeester, SJ Barnett, P DeBerardinis, NL Haigwood (2014) Multimeric scaffolds displaying the HIV-1 Envelope MPER induce MPER-specific antibodies and cross-neutralizing antibodies when co-immunized with gp160 DNA. PLoS One 9: e113463. PMCID: 4267727.
  •     Hessell AJ, DC Malherbe, F Pissani, SP McBurney, SJ. Krebs, M Gomes, S Pandey, WF Sutton, BJ Burwitz, M Gray, H Robins, B Park, JB Sacha, CC LaBranche, DH Fuller, DC Montefiori, L Stamatatos, DN Sather, and NL Haigwood (2016) Achieving potent autologous neutralizing antibody responses against Tier 2 HIV-1 viruses by strategic selection of Envelope immunogens, Journal of Immunology 196: 3064-78.
  •     AJ Hessell, JP Jaworski, E Epson, K Matsuda, S Pandey, C Kahl, J Reed, WF Sutton, KB Hammond, TA Cheever, PT Barnette, A Legasse, S Planer, J Stanton, A Pegu, X Chen, K Wang, MK Axthelm, A Lewis, VM Hirsch, BS Graham, JR Mascola, JB Sacha, and NL Haigwood (2016) Early short-term treatment with neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies halts SHIV infection in infant macaques. Nat Medicine 22: 362-8.
  •     Hessell AJ, Powell R, Jiang X, Luo C, Weiss S, Dussupt V, Itri V, Fox A, Shapiro MB, Pandey S, Cheever T, Fuller DH, Park B, Krebs SJ, Totrov M, Haigwood NL, Kong XP, Zolla-Pazner S. (2019) Multimeric Epitope-Scaffold HIV Vaccines Target V1V2 and Differentially Tune Polyfunctional Antibody Responses. Cell Rep, Jul 23;28(4):877-895. PMC31340151
  •     Nikzad, R, Angelo, LS, Aviles-Padilla, K, Le, DT, Singh, VK, Bimler, L., Vukmanovic-Stejic, M, Vendrame, E, Ranganath, T, Simpson, L, Haigwood, NL, Blish, CA, Akbar, AN, Paust, S. (2019) Human natural killer cells mediate adaptive immunity to viral antigens, Sci Immunol 4(35), PMC6636344.
  •     MB Shapiro, T Cheever, DC Malherbe, S Pandey, J Reed, ES Yang, K Wang, A Pegu, X Chen, D Siess, D Burke, H Henderson, R Lewinsohn, M Fischer, JJ. Stanton, MK Axthelm, C Kahl, B Park, AD Lewis, JB Sacha, JR Mascola, AJ Hessell, NL Haigwood (2020) Single-dose bNAb cocktail or abbreviated ART post-exposure regimens achieve tight SHIV control without adaptive immunityNat Comm, Jan 7;11(1): 70. PMC6946664.
  •     Rosenberg YJ, Ordonez T, Khanwalkar US, Barnette P, Pandey S, Backes IM, Otero CE, Goldberg BS, Crowley AR, Leib DA, Shapiro MB**, Jiang X, Urban LA, Lees J, Hessell AJ, Permar S, Haigwood NL, Ackerman ME. Evidence for the Role of a Second Fc-Binding Receptor in Placental IgG Transfer in Nonhuman Primates. mBio. 2023 Apr 25;14(2):e0034123. doi: 10.1128/mbio.00341-23. Epub 2023Mar 22. PMID: 36946726; PMCID: PMC10127586.
  •     Streblow DN, et al. 2023. Aerosol delivery of SARS-CoV-2 human monoclonal antibodies in macaques limits viral replication and lung pathology. Nat Commun 14:7062. PMC10624670