Nathalie Huguet, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor of Family Medicine, School of Medicine


Dr. Huguet is a health services researcher and implementation scientist with extensive experience studying care delivery to vulnerable populations. She completed the 2018 Training Institute in Dissemination Research in Cancer. She is currently PI and co-I on several federally-funded studies assessing the impact of the Affordable Care Act on healthcare access, utilization, expenditures, and health outcomes in vulnerable populations. Her most recent publications demonstrate the impact of the Affordable Care Act on access to care among low-income patients. She is associate director of BRIDGE-C2 (Building Research in Implementation & Dissemination to Close Gaps & Achieve Equity in Cancer Control) center, one of six implementation science centers funded by NCI, which is aimed at advancing implementation science to improve cancer screening and prevention in underserved populations.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.A., 1998, Université de Poitiers
    • M.A., 1999, Université de Poitiers
    • Ph.D., 2006, Portland State University

Areas of interest

  • Health care delivery systems
  • Health policies
  • Implementation science
  • Natural experiments


Selected publications

  • See comprehensive list of publications above.


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