Nathan Dieckmann, Ph.D.

  • Professor, School of Nursing
  • Associated Faculty, Psychiatry, Division of Clinical Psychology, School of Medicine
  • Associated Faculty, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health


Dr. Dieckmann leads the Statistics Core in the School of Nursing. He provides statistical and research design support to faculty and students and teaches statistical methods. Particular areas of interest include structural equation models, longitudinal modeling, and psychometrics. He is also associated faculty for the Clinical Psychology program in the Department of Psychiatry. 

Dr. Dieckmann also conducts basic and applied research in the decision sciences and risk communication. His current work is focused on the development of decision aids, risk assessment tools, and methods for the effective presentation of uncertainty in a variety of domains. Other current areas of interest include understanding public perceptions of conflicting scientific information, when and why people trust predictive algorithms in health and beyond (e.g., artificial intelligence), and examining the causes and impacts of trust in science more generally. 

Preferred Method of Contact: e-mail:

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • Ph.D., 2007, University of Oregon.

Areas of interest

  • Biostatistics; Judgment and Decision making; Risk Communication; Science communication



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