Nichole Tyler

  • Current Program Year: MS3
  • Graduate, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, School of Medicine
  • M.D./Ph.D. Program Students, School of Medicine


Dissertation Title: Artificial Intelligence and Physiologic Models for the Management of Type 1 Diabetes

Research Interests: Automated decision support systems for type 1 diabetes, mathematical models of insulin glucose dynamics

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.S., 2012, University of Washington
    • Ph.D., 2021, Oregon Health & Science University

Honors and awards

  • NRSA Ruth L. Kirschstein F31 Fellowship Award, 2019


Selected publications

  • Tyler, N., Mosquera-Lopez, C.M., Wilson, L.M., Dodier, R.H., Branigan, D.L., Gabo, V.B., Guillot, F.H., Hilts, W.W., El Youssef, J.E., Castle, J.R., and Jacobs, P.G. An artificial intelligence decision support system for the management of type 1 diabetes. Nature Metabolism, 2020 accepted and in press.
  • Mosquera-Lopez, C., Dodier, R., Tyler, N., Wilson, L., El Youssef, J., Castle, J.R., and Jacobs, P. Predicting and preventing nocturnal hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes using big data analytics and decision theoretic analysis [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 16]. Diabetes Technol Ther. 2020;10.1089/dia.2019.0458. doi:10.1089/dia.2019.0458
  • Resalat, N., Hilts, W., Youssef, J.E., Tyler, N., Castle, J.R., and Jacobs, P.G. Adaptive Control of an Artificial Pancreas Using Model Identification, Adaptive Postprandial Insulin Delivery, and Heart Rate and Accelerometry as Control Inputs. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2019;13(6):1044?1053. doi:10.1177/1932296819881467


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