Headshot photo of Prasanth  Prasanna, M.D.

Prasanth Prasanna, M.D.


Dr. Prasanna hails from the near frozen lands of Northern Maine. After meandering across the country through his education he landed in Salem, OR for 8 years before joining the University of Utah Health Sciences Center Department of Radiology. After a few years in academia, the call of Oregon to return became too strong to ignore and the decision was made to return. When not composing overly dramatic descriptions for himself, he enjoys travel, cooking, watching movies, picking up new skills or knowledge. He currently lives with his two Devon Rex cats, Kebi and Nui. Dr. Prasanna is very active with the Society of Imaging Informatics in Medicine and has been a co-host for the society podcast (SIIMcast) since its inception in 2016. 



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