Headshot photo of Randall Alan Phelps, M.D., Ph.D.

Randall Alan Phelps, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine
  • Program Director, Fellowship in Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics


Dr. Phelps specializes in assessing and caring for children and youth with developmental disabilities and behavioral problems. Dr. Phelps enjoys working with an interdisciplinary team at the Child Development and Rehabilitation Center to provide comprehensive developmental services.

In his spare time, Dr. Phelps enjoys spending time with his wife and twin boys, hiking, biking, swimming, and reading.

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.A., 1992, Wesleyan University
    • Ph.D., 1999, University of Washington
    • M.D., 2001, University of Washington School of Medicine
  • Residency

    • Pediatrics, University of Michigan, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, 2004
  • Fellowship

    • Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, 2007
  • Certifications

    • American Board of Pediatrics, general pediatrics, 2004

Memberships and associations:

  • American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Society of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

Areas of interest

  • Health services and healthcare disparities
  • Functional assessment/international classification of functioning
  • Transition planning for youth with disabilities
  • Down syndrome/genetic syndromes/intellectual disability
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Early childhood behavioral health and trauma-related behavioral disorders
  • Effect of prenatal toxic exposures on neurodevelopment

Honors and awards

  • Lisl Waechter Award, by the ARC of Lane County, in recognition of outstanding service and dedication to people with developmental disabilities in Lane County, by the Arc of Lane County, November 2011.


Elsevier pure profile

Selected publications

  • Randall A. Phelps, Joseph D. Pinter, Donald J. Lollar, Ed.D., Joan Guthrie Medlen, M.Ed., RD, LD, Christina D. Bethell, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.  Healthcare Needs of Children with Down Syndrome and Impact of Health System Performance on Children and Their Families. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 33(3), 2012.
  • Charity Rowland, Melanie Fried-Oken, Sandra A. M. Steiner, Donald Lollar , Randall Phelps , Rune J Simeonson, Mats Granlund. Developing the ICF-CY for AAC Profile and Code Set for Children Who Rely on AAC.  Augmentative and Alternative Communication 28(1): 21-32, 2012.
  • Randall A. Phelps, Robert E Nickel, Debra Eisert, and Martin Stein.  Challenging Case: Parental influence on a child's autistic traits. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 34 (9): 730-732, 2013.
  • Rowland, C., Fried-Oken, M., Bowser, G., Granlund, M., Lollar, D., Phelps, R., Simeonsson, R., & Steiner, SAM. Using the ICF-CY to develop the Communication Supports Inventory-Children & Youth. Disability and Rehabilitation 38(19): 1909-1917, 2016.
  • Randall Phelps, Anne Tsai, Arlene Hagen, Joseph Pinter, Raegan Smith, and Martin T Stein. The Curse of the Dolphins: Cognitive Decline and Psychosis.  Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 37(4): 343-345, 2016.
  • Randall A. Phelps, Tumaini R. Coker. First, Do No Harm: Improving Access in Autism Diagnostic Assessments for Children Without Exacerbating Inequities in Care. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 40(3): 217-218, April 2019.
  • Phelps R. Controversy: the creation of diagnostic "haves" and "have-nots," an inadvertent cause of healthcare disparities among neurodevelopmental disabilities. Pediatric Res. 2020 May 21. doi: 10.1038/s41390-020-0969-4.
  • Azim, Aniqa MD, Rdesinski, Rebecca E. MSW, MPH, Phelps, Randall MD, PhD, Zuckerman, Katharine E. MD, MPH. Nonclinical Factors in Autism Diagnosis: Results From a National Health Care Provider Survey. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: 41(6):428-435, August 2020.
  • Bear A, Drew C, Zuckerman KE, Phelps RA. Understanding Barriers to Access and Utilization of Developmental Disability Services Facilitating Transition. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 41(9):680-689, Dec 2020.
  • Phelps R, Van Scoyoc A, Marquardt M. Parental Misattribution of Environmental Stress Reaction Symptoms to Autism. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. 2021 May 1;42(4):264-271.