Rebecca E. Cantone, MD (she/her)

  • Associate Professor of Family Medicine, School of Medicine
  • Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Medical Education Student Affairs, Office of the Dean, School of Medicine


Dr. Becca Cantone (she/her) is a family physician trained in full scope family medicine. She focuses on whole person care, working to address physical and mental health concerns together. She is especially interested in providing care to the LGBTQ+ community and those seeking help for substance use. She splits her time between the clinic, hospital, and training our next generation of physicians, and is therefore in clinic 1-2 days a week.

Dr. Cantone enjoys the continuity of patient care and building long-term therapeutic relationships with patients. She loves seeing multiple family members and caring for the entire family to better understand the full situation affecting one’s life and health. 

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • M.D., 2011, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Residency

    • Family and Community medicine, chief resident, University of California, Davis, 2014, Sacramento CA
  • Certifications

    • American Board of Family Medicine

Memberships and associations:

  • American Academy of Family Physicians
  • Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

Areas of interest

  • 2SLGBTQIA+ Health
  • Education
  • Managing acute and chronic issues
  • Substance Use/Addiction


Elsevier pure profile

Selected publications

  • Castelli G, Desai K, Cantone RE. Peripheral Neuropathy: Evaluation and Differential Diagnosis. Am Fam Physician. 2020 Dec 15;102(12):732-739
  • Cantone RE, Garvey B, O'Neill A, Fleishman J, Cohen D, Muench J, and Bailey SR. Predictors of Medication-Assisted Treatment Initiation for Opioid Use Disorder in an Interdisciplinary Primary Care Model.  Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. September 2019, 32 (5) 724-731
  • West N, Powers N, Hockett W, Farley M, Cantone, RE. Increasing naloxone availability in rural communities. Annals of Family Medicine. March/April 2019 17:2, p178
  • Schneider B, Biagioli FE, Palmer R, O'Neill P, Robinson SC, Cantone RE. Design and Implementation of a Competency-Based Family Medicine Clerkship Curriculum. Family Medicine. 2019;51(3):234-240.
  • Cantone RE, Deiorio NM, Polston A, Schneider B. Specialty Choice Stability: Are There Implications for Early Entry Into Residency? PRiMER. 2018;2:30
  • Kost A, Cantone RE, Schneider B, Sairenji T, Palmer R. Validation and Comparison of a Brief Instrument vs a Single-Item Screen to Predict Entry to Family Medicine at Matriculation to Medical School. Family Medicine. 2018;50(9):672-678
  • Cantone RE, Fleishman J, Garvey B, Gideonse N. Interdisciplinary management of opioid use disorder in primary care. Annals of Family Medicine. 2018;16(1):83.
  • Cantone RE. Why Medical Students Need Addictions Training. Medical Teacher. 2018: 40:4, 421-422.
  • Palmer RT, Rdesinski RE, Galper A, Cantone RE, Shaver J, et al. (2017) Assessing the Impact of a Telemedicine Simulation on Clinical Learners. Journal of Family Medicine Community Health 4(5): 1120.


  • Use of Telehealth for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment in Safety Net Primary Care Settings

    Substance Use and Misuse
    1. Steffani R. Bailey
    2. Tamar Wyte-Lake
    3. Jennifer A. Lucas
    4. Shannon Williams
    5. Rebecca E. Cantone
    6. Brian T. Garvey
    7. Laurel Hallock-Koppelman
    8. Heather Angier
    9. Deborah J. Cohen
  • An Effective Gender-Affirming Care and Hormone Prescribing Standardized Patient Case for Residents

    MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources
    1. Ben J. Hersh
    2. Rebecca E. Rdesinski
    3. Christina Milano
    4. Rebecca E. Cantone
  • "What Questions Do You Have?"

    Health literacy research and practice
    1. Cliff Coleman
    2. Fernando Salcido-Torres
    3. Rebecca E. Cantone
  • Assessing Physician Assistant Student Electronic Health Record Competency Using an Objective Structured Clinical Examination

    Journal of Physician Assistant Education
    1. Emily Jacobsen
    2. Sarah Drummond
    3. Frances Emily Biagioli
    4. Rebecca E. Cantone
  • Associations of retention on buprenorphine for opioid use disorder with patient characteristics and models of care in the primary care setting

    Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
    1. Steffani R. Bailey
    2. Jennifer A. Lucas
    3. Heather Angier
    4. Rebecca E. Cantone
    5. Joan Fleishman
    6. Brian Garvey
    7. Deborah J. Cohen
    8. Rebecca E. Rdesinski
    9. Leah Gordon
  • Effects of implementing an interactive substance use disorders workshop on a family medicine clerkship

    Family medicine
    1. Rebecca E. Cantone
    2. Nonda S. Hanneman
    3. Matthew G. Chan
    4. Rebecca E. Rdesinski
  • Tier-Based Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in the Primary Care Setting

    Families, Systems and Health
    1. Heather Angier
    2. Joan Fleishman
    3. Leah Gordon
    4. Deborah J. Cohen
    5. Rebecca E. Cantone
    6. Steffani R. Bailey
  • Peripheral Neuropathy

    American family physician
    1. Gregory Castelli
    2. Krishna M. Desai
    3. Rebecca E. Cantone
  • Design and implementation of a competency-based family medicine clerkship curriculum

    Family medicine
    1. Benjamin N. Schneider
    2. Frances E. Biagioli
    3. Ryan Palmer
    4. Peggy O’neill
    5. Sean C. Robinson
    6. Rebecca Cantone
  • Insomnia Telemedicine OSCE (TeleOSCE)

    MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources
    1. Rebecca E. Cantone
    2. Ryan Palmer
    3. Lisa Grill Dodson
    4. Frances E. Biagioli
  • Predictors of medication-assisted treatment initiation for opioid use disorder in an interdisciplinary primary care model

    Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
    1. Rebecca E. Cantone
    2. Brian Garvey
    3. Allison O’Neill
    4. Joan Fleishman
    5. Deborah Cohen
    6. John Muench
    7. Steffani R. Bailey
  • Interdisciplinary Management of Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care

    Annals of family medicine
    1. Rebecca E. Cantone
    2. Joan Fleishman
    3. Brian Garvey
    4. Nicholas Gideonse
  • Validation and comparison of a brief instrument vs a single-item screen to predict entry to family medicine at matriculation to medical school

    Family medicine
    1. Amanda Kost
    2. Rebecca E. Cantone
    3. Ben Schneider
    4. Tomoko Sairenji
    5. Ryan Palmer
  • Why medical students need addictions training

    Medical Teacher
    1. Rebecca E. Cantone