Robert Macauley, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.A.A.H.P.M.
- Professor of Pediatrics, School of Medicine
- Director, Bridges Program
- Cambia Health Foundation Endowed Chair in Pediatric Palliative Care
As the director of the OHSU Doernbecher Bridges program, Dr. Macauley specializes in palliative care, which focuses on improving quality of life for kids facing life-limiting illness. He is one of only three hundred pediatricians in the United States board certified in palliative medicine. He values the chance to help children and their families work through some of the most difficult situations anyone can ever face. When life ends far too soon, there are a lot of tears, hand-holding, and silence. And when a child makes it through, there are tears of a different kind. The sweetest words he can ever hear from a family are “We don’t need you anymore.”
In his spare time, Dr. Macauley enjoys writing stories with his eldest daughter, doing aikido with his son, cooking with his center (never “middle”) daughter, and reading with his youngest. Throw in music lessons, concerts, plays, a couple of dogs, and a love of travel, and he and his wife got more than they bargained for (except when it comes to sleep).
Education and training
- M.D., 1995, Yale University School of Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1998
- American Board of Pediatrics, Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2008
Memberships and associations:
- American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
Elsevier pure profilePublications
“Mr. Smith Has No Mealtimes”
Journal of Pain and Symptom ManagementFire and Magic and All Things Spectacular
Journal of palliative medicineClinical Guidelines for Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED)
Journal of Pain and Symptom ManagementCongruent Communication
Journal of Pain and Symptom ManagementDifferences in US Regional Healthcare Allocation Guidelines During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Journal of general internal medicineEarly and often
Current problems in cancerResponding to parental requests for nondisclosure to patients of diagnostic and prognostic information in the setting of serious disease
PediatricsEvolution of Investigating Informed Assent Discussions about CPR in Seriously Ill Patients
Journal of Pain and Symptom ManagementHealth Care Clinicians and Product Promotion by Industry
PediatricsPediatric Hospice and Palliative Care Services and Needs Across the Northwest United States
Journal of Pain and Symptom ManagementSocial Determinants of Health May Predict End of Life Portable Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment Form Completion and Treatment Selections
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative MedicineA Mixed-Methods Quasi-Experimental Study on Perspectives Among Physicians and Nurses Regarding Use of Palliative Care Teams in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative MedicineEpileptologists infrequently discuss the risk of intubation with patients with epilepsy in the United States
Annals of Palliative MedicineEthical considerations in pediatricians' use of social media
PediatricsTop Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know about Medical Decision-Making Capacity Assessment
Journal of palliative medicineBetting on CPR
Journal of medical ethicsChildren with intellectual and developmental disabilities as organ transplantation recipients
PediatricsDiagnosis, management, and treatment of female genital mutilation or cutting in girls
PediatricsEthical Challenges Arising in the COVID-19 Pandemic
American Journal of BioethicsProvider perspective on the role of palliative care in hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Cardiology in the youngThe ethics of creating a resource allocation strategy during the COVID-19 Pandemic
PediatricsInstitutional Ethics committees
PediatricsPediatric Palliative Care in the Multicultural Context
Journal of Pain and Symptom ManagementSurgical overlap
International Anesthesiology ClinicsThe Limits of “Life-Limiting”
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management