Sancy Leachman, M.D., Ph.D. (she/her)
- Professor of Dermatology, School of Medicine
- John D. Gray Endowed Chair for Melanoma Research
- Cancer Biology Graduate Program, School of Medicine
Education and training
- B.A., 1985, University of Texas at Austin Plan II
- M.D., Ph.D., 1993, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School
- Yale-New Haven Hospital (dermatology), New Haven, CT
- Yale University School of Medicine (cutaneous oncology), New Haven, CT
- American Board of Dermatology
Memberships and associations:
- American Medical Association
- American Academy of Dermatology
- Society for Investigative Dermatology
- Intermountain Dermatology Society
- National Vitiligo Foundation
- Utah Medical Association
- Vitiligo Society
- American Association for Cancer Research
- American Society of Human Genetics
- Pan American Society for Pigment Cell Research
- Utah Society of Dermatologic Medicine and Surgery
- Medical Dermatology Society
- Southwest Oncology Group
- Oregon Dermatology Society
Additional information
Elsevier pure profileSelected publications
- Revised nomenclature and classification of inherited ichthyoses: results of the First Ichthyosis Consensus Conference in Soreze 2009 V Oji, G Tadini, M Akiyama, CB Bardon, C Bodemer, E Bourrat, ... Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 63 (4), 607-641
- Features associated with germline CDKN2A mutations: a GenoMEL study of melanoma-prone families from three continents AM Goldstein, M Chan, M Harland, NK Hayward, F Demenais, DT Bishop, ... Journal of medical genetics 44 (2), 99-106
- High-risk melanoma susceptibility genes and pancreatic cancer, neural system tumors, and uveal melanoma across GenoMEL AM Goldstein, M Chan, M Harland, EM Gillanders, NK Hayward, MF Avril, ... Cancer research 66 (20), 9818-9828
- First-in-human mutation-targeted siRNA phase Ib trial of an inherited skin disorder SA Leachman, RP Hickerson, ME Schwartz, EE Bullough, SL Hutcherson, ... Molecular Therapy 18 (2), 442-446
- Metastatic melanoma in pregnancy: risk of transplacental metastases in the infant A Alexander, WE Samlowski, D Grossman, CS Bruggers, RM Harris, ... Journal of clinical oncology 21 (11), 2179-2186
- Preservation of RNA for functional genomic studies: a multidisciplinary tumor bank protocol SR Florell, CM Coffin, JA Holden, JW Zimmermann, JW Gerwels, ... Modern pathology 14 (2), 116-128
- Melanocytes as instigators and victims of oxidative stress L Denat, AL Kadekaro, L Marrot, SA Leachman, ZA Abdel-Malek Journal of Investigative Dermatology 134 (6), 1512-1518
- Clinical and pathological features of pachyonychia congenita SA Leachman, RL Kaspar, P Fleckman, SR Florell, FJD Smith, ... Journal of Investigative Dermatology Symposium Proceedings 10 (1), 3-17
- Selection criteria for genetic assessment of patients with familial melanoma SA Leachman, J Carucci, W Kohlmann, KC Banks, MM Asgari, ... Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 61 (4), 677. e1-677. e14
- Evaluation of a 7-day continuous intravenous infusion of decitabine: inhibition of promoter-specific and global genomic DNA methylation WE Samlowski, SA Leachman, M Wade, P Cassidy, P Porter-Gill, L Busby, ... J Clin Oncol 23 (17), 3897-3905
Development of a treatment decision aid for patients with dysplastic nevi who are candidates for re-excision
Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyThin and in situ melanomas of unfavorable prognosis
Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyClinical Utility of a Digital Dermoscopy Image-Based Artificial Intelligence Device in the Diagnosis and Management of Skin Cancer by Dermatologists
CancersEvidence-Based Communication to Increase Melanoma Knowledge and Skin Checks
JID InnovationsExamining the Role of Estheticians in Skin Cancer Surveillance
DermatologyFrom sunbeds to sunscreen
Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyIncrease in melanoma knowledge in Latino patients after a targeted digital educational program
JAAD InternationalMelanoma toolkit for early detection for primary care clinicians
Frontiers in MedicineNETosis Is Induced by Complement Component 5a
Journal of Investigative DermatologyQuantitative multiplex immunohistochemistry reveals inter-patient lymphovascular and immune heterogeneity in primary cutaneous melanoma
Frontiers in immunologyRevolutionizing Skin Cancer Triage
CancersSocial media as a recruitment tactic in melanoma education and protective behaviors in Latino patients
JEADV Clinical PracticeThe Impact of Melanoma Imaging Biomarker Cues on Detection Sensitivity and Specificity in Melanoma versus Clinically Atypical Nevi
CancersThe skinny on skin
Journal of Cosmetic DermatologyCombined Use of Dermoscopy, Reflectance Confocal Microscopy and Ex-Vivo Gene Expression Profiling to Detect a Micro-Melanoma Less Than 1 mm in Diameter
Dermatology Practical and ConceptualMelanoma literacy among the general population of three western US states
Pigment Cell and Melanoma ResearchMinority enrollment in melanoma clinical trials
Journal of the American Academy of DermatologyT cell egress via lymphatic vessels is tuned by antigen encounter and limits tumor control
Nature ImmunologyThe benefit of early-stage diagnosis
Skin Health and DiseaseThe family lifestyles, actions and risk education (FLARE) study
Contemporary Clinical TrialsClinically Significant Risk Thresholds in the Management of Primary Cutaneous Melanoma
Annals of surgical oncologyDelays in melanoma presentation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology