Suzanne H. Mitchell, Ph.D. (she/her)

  • Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience, School of Medicine
  • Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine
  • Professor, Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences
  • Behavioral Neuroscience Graduate Program, School of Medicine
  • Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program, School of Medicine
  • Neuroscience Graduate Program, School of Medicine


Suzanne H. Mitchell, Ph.D., is a tenured Professor at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), in the Department of Behavioral Neuroscience, with secondary appointments in Psychiatry and in the Oregon Institute for Occupational Health Science. 

She obtained her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees at the University of Hull, England and her Ph.D. at SUNY-Stony Brook, USA. Her dissertation focused on the economics of foraging behavior of rats, examining the role of the energetic costs and benefits in feeding decisions. During a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Chicago, Dr. Mitchell worked with Harriet de Wit, Ph.D. using behavioral economics as an explanation for use of alcohol, nicotine/cigarettes, and amphetamine in humans.  During that time she also began collaborating with Jerry Richards, Ph.D. on delay discounting studies with rats. Following her postdoctoral work, Dr. Mitchell was an Assistant Professor at the University of New Hampshire, where she continued to apply behavioral economic models to recreational drug use. She moved her lab to OHSU in 2001 to devote more time to research, particularly looking into why drug users tend to be more impulsive than non-drug users using human and animal models. Most recently she has returned to her earlier interests in energetic costs and her research has increased its scope to include effort-related decision-making in clinical populations. She has received funding from various NIH institutes (NHLBI, NIAAA, NIDA and NIH), has served on several study sections as a member and as an ad hoc participant, and has received awards for education and mentoring.   

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • M.Sc., 1987, University of Hull
    • Ph.D., 1992, State University of New York at Stony Brook

Memberships and associations:

  • Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior
  • Society for NeuroEconomics
  • Society for Neuroscience
  • Association for Behavior Analysis International

Areas of interest

  • Determinants of risky and impulsive decision-making
  • Alcohol, nicotine and marijuana use
  • Neurobiology of choice
  • Behavioral genetics of impulsivity
  • Behavioral economics



  • Environmental enrichment promotes adaptive responding during tests of behavioral regulation in male heterogeneous stock rats

    Scientific Reports
    1. Keita Ishiwari
    2. Christopher P. King
    3. Connor D. Martin
    4. Jordan A. Tripi
    5. Anthony M. George
    6. Alexander C. Lamparelli
    7. Apurva S. Chitre
    8. Oksana Polesskaya
    9. Jerry B. Richards
    10. Leah C. Solberg Woods
    11. Amy M. Gancarz
    12. Abraham A. Palmer
    13. David M. Dietz
    14. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    15. Paul J. Meyer
  • Genome-wide association study of delay discounting in Heterogeneous Stock rats

    Genes, Brain and Behavior
    1. Montana Kay Lara
    2. Apurva S. Chitre
    3. Denghui Chen
    4. Benjamin B. Johnson
    5. Khai Minh Nguyen
    6. Katarina A. Cohen
    7. Sakina A. Muckadam
    8. Bonnie Lin
    9. Shae Ziegler
    10. Angela Beeson
    11. Thiago M. Sanches
    12. Leah C. Solberg Woods
    13. Oksana Polesskaya
    14. Abraham A. Palmer
    15. Suzanne H. Mitchell
  • Alcohol-induced changes in mesostriatal resting-state functional connectivity are linked to sensation seeking in young adults

    Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research
    1. Angelica M. Morales
    2. Sydney Gilbert
    3. Elijah Hart
    4. Scott A. Jones
    5. Stephen J. Boyd
    6. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    7. Bonnie J. Nagel
  • Moderate Stability among Delay, Probability, and Effort Discounting in Humans

    Psychological Record
    1. Gisel G. Escobar
    2. Silvia Morales-Chainé
    3. Jeremy M. Haynes
    4. Carlos Santoyo
    5. Suzanne H. Mitchell
  • Reward maximization assessed using a sequential patch depletion task in a large sample of heterogeneous stock rats

    Scientific Reports
    1. Amy M. Gancarz
    2. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    3. Anthony M. George
    4. Connor D. Martin
    5. Marisa C. Turk
    6. Heather M. Bool
    7. Fahmida Aktar
    8. Francis Kwarteng
    9. Abraham A. Palmer
    10. Paul J. Meyer
    11. Jerry B. Richards
    12. David M. Dietz
    13. Keita Ishiwari
  • Development and evaluation of a simulation-based transition to clerkship course

    Perspectives on Medical Education
    1. Jared P. Austin
    2. Mark Baskerville
    3. Tracy Bumsted
    4. Leslie Haedinger
    5. Stephanie Nonas
    6. Eugen Pohoata
    7. Meghan Rogers
    8. Megan Spickerman
    9. Philippe Thuillier
    10. Suzanne H. Mitchell
  • Neural correlates of reward magnitude and delay during a probabilistic delay discounting task in alcohol use disorder

    1. Laura E. Dennis
    2. Milky Kohno
    3. Holly D. McCready
    4. Daniel L. Schwartz
    5. Britta Schwartz
    6. David Lahna
    7. Bonnie J. Nagel
    8. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    9. William F. Hoffman
  • Beyond inference by eye

    Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior
    1. Elizabeth G.E. Kyonka
    2. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    3. Lewis A. Bizo
  • Exploratory study examining associations between prescription opioid dose and delay discounting in patients with chronic pain

    Journal of opioid management
    1. Benjamin J. Morasco
    2. Steven K. Dobscha
    3. Stephanie Hyde
    4. Suzanne H. Mitchell
  • Opposing effects of impulsivity and mindset on sources of science self-efficacy and STEM interest in adolescents

    PloS one
    1. Lisa K. Marriott
    2. Leigh A. Coppola
    3. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    4. Jana L. Bouwma-Gearhart
    5. Zunqiu Chen
    6. Dara Shifrer
    7. Alicia B. Feryn
    8. Jackilen Shannon
  • Functional MRI and delay discounting in patients infected with hepatitis C

    Journal of neurovirology
    1. Holly McCready
    2. Milky Kohno
    3. Michael Kolessar
    4. Laura Dennis
    5. Daniel Kriz
    6. Hannah Luber
    7. Renee Anderson
    8. Michael Chang
    9. Anna Sasaki
    10. Kenneth Flora
    11. Arthur Vandenbark
    12. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    13. Jennifer M. Loftis
    14. William F. Hoffman
    15. Marilyn Huckans
  • Control of chronic excessive alcohol drinking by genetic manipulation of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus urocortin-1 neuropeptide system

    Translational Psychiatry
    1. W. J. Giardino
    2. E. D. Rodriguez
    3. M. L. Smith
    4. M. M. Ford
    5. D. Galili
    6. S. H. Mitchell
    7. A. Chen
    8. A. E. Ryabinin
  • Heterogeneity in development of aspects of working memory predicts longitudinal attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptom change

    Journal of Abnormal Psychology
    1. Sarah L. Karalunas
    2. Hanna C. Gustafsson
    3. Nathan F. Dieckmann
    4. Jessica Tipsord
    5. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    6. Joel T. Nigg
  • Impulsivity and stress response in nondependent smokers (tobacco chippers) in comparison to heavy smokers and nonsmokers

    Nicotine and Tobacco Research
    1. Laura Carim-Todd
    2. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    3. Barry S. Oken
  • Choice impulsivity

    Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment
    1. Kristen R. Hamilton
    2. Marci R. Mitchell
    3. Victoria C. Wing
    4. Iris M. Balodis
    5. Warren K. Bickel
    6. Mark Fillmore
    7. Scott D. Lane
    8. C. W. Lejuez
    9. Andrew K. Littlefield
    10. Maartje Luijten
    11. Charles W. Mathias
    12. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    13. T. Celeste Napier
    14. Brady Reynolds
    15. Christian G. Schütz
    16. Barry Setlow
    17. Kenneth J. Sher
    18. Alan C. Swann
    19. Stephanie E. Tedford
    20. Melanie J. White
    21. Catharine A. Winstanley
    22. Richard Yi
    23. Marc N. Potenza
    24. F. Gerard Moeller
  • Comparing hyperbolic, delay-amount sensitivity and present-bias models of delay discounting

    Behavioural Processes
    1. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    2. Vanessa B. Wilson
    3. Sarah L. Karalunas
  • Executive function deficits and glutamatergic protein alterations in a progressive 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine mouse model of Parkinson's disease

    Journal of Neuroscience Research
    1. Lacey Pflibsen
    2. Katherine A. Stang
    3. Michelle D. Sconce
    4. Vanessa B. Wilson
    5. Rebecca L. Hood
    6. Charles K. Meshul
    7. Suzanne H. Mitchell
  • Assessing delay discounting in mice

    Current Protocols in Neuroscience
    1. Suzanne H. Mitchell
  • Behavioral disinhibition in mice bred for high drinking in the dark (HDID) and HS controls increases following ethanol

    Drug and Alcohol Dependence
    1. Megan E. Tipps
    2. Travis M. Moschak
    3. Suzanne H. Mitchell
  • Large-scale topology and the default mode network in the mouse connectome

    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
    1. James M. Stafford
    2. Benjamin R. Jarrett
    3. Oscar Miranda-Dominguez
    4. Brian D. Mills
    5. Nicholas Cain
    6. Stefan Mihalas
    7. Garet P. Lahvis
    8. K. Matthew Lattal
    9. Suzanne H. Mitchell
    10. Stephen V. David
    11. John D. Fryer
    12. Joel T. Nigg
    13. Damien A. Fair