Headshot photo of Timmothy Yacoub, M.D.<span class="profile__pronouns"> (he/him)</span>

Timmothy Yacoub, M.D. (he/him)


Dr. Timmothy “Tim” Yacoub is an internal medicine intern who believes in putting himself on the other side of the exam table and in the patient's shoes. 

He says about his approach to care, “As clinicians, we can sometimes forget that the most important part of patient care is not simply diagnosing and providing treatment, but understanding and guiding, recognizing that patient care is a partnership. You cannot claim to be providing partnership in health plans formed with patients if you don’t first listen and understand what the patient is going through. I try to always keep that in mind and continue to challenge myself to operate that way with every encounter.”     

Outside of work, he is an avid community-recreation basketball player and loves finding ways to play pickup spikeball. He likes hiking, snowboarding and water sports and produces music as a side hobby.                                                 

Education and training

  • Degrees

    • B.S.P.H., University of California - San Diego
    • M.D., 2023, Virginia Commonwealth University
