Headshot photo of Umair Zaidi

Umair Zaidi


Hello! My name is Umair Zaidi- I am a first-year Health and Clinical Informatics PhD student and NIAID Fellow. I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Physics with a specialization in Biomedical Sciences from Portland State University in 2021. During my undergraduate years, I developed a keen interest in healthcare technology and its potential to transform lives, and found myself drawn to the Medical Informatics program at OHSU. I am still in the process of deciding my primary research focus.

Beyond my academics, I am an avid snowboarder. I am also deeply passionate about social work, and I am working on the establishment of a non-profit organization focused on empowering youth leaders and making a positive difference in our community. One of my most significant projects to date is the Pakistani Floods Relief Project.

In my downtime, you'll often find me enjoying the vibrant culinary scene of Portland, especially when it comes to savoring sushi – I believe I have discovered all the best sushi places in the city! On quieter evenings, I'm usually playing video games with friends.

I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead and look forward to combining my academic pursuits with my passions to create a positive impact in both the academic and social spheres.



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